The Way
When thoughts run through your mind and you let your imagination run free, you can envision most anything. When you imagine about the truths of God, you will want to understand it all. To understand all things, to know everything about everything, comes only from an intelligence far beyond the limitations of our mortal selves. Intelligence is spiritual, and so it is pure. But also, imagine an intelligence that it is limited by only our five senses. An intelligence that says that there is nothing of life beyond this current world. Just simple earth creatures and then death; and then, back to the dust of the earth. Such is the intellect of fatalist thinkers. Life is eternal, both in this our current situation, but also in the realm of the eternal, infinity. A life beyond the limits of time. Each of us runs against the stopwatch that counts out the limits of our existence. Why would anyone choose that over eternity, especially when the Way to the infinite is an open invitation?
And here is the toughest blow that will come to those who are content within the limits of this time only. You are the summation of your life experiences, both the good and the bad. But if that's all you are, and, if it is all you choose to be, you will be indulged, and it is all you'll ever be. But. If for your desire is to be more than just a wisp of time, you might just decide to consider a different reality for yourself. I tell you that it is yours for the asking, it's free! But there is a caveat, for there is a mountain in the road to life eternal, and to climb that mountain is something you cannot achieve on your own, you will need help. That help is the only help, for that help is The Way. You must humble yourself and ask for that help which is the only bridge from this life to a Holy living God.
Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life, He is the way and the only bridge available from this limited existence to life eternal. Infinity. Jesus was and is the God-man. He who though God Himself, allowed Himself, to be humbled, so to live as a man. And, having lived and died while being part of this life for over thirty three years. Having been as one of us He understands all of our ways. Eternal life is only available through faith and belief in this God-man named Jesus Christ.
To Him all glory is due and from Him, all that is became.
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