There is a never ending of variety of people out there. What kind of person are you? That question may have never occurred to you, but in the world of God, these things are of dire importance. Seeing things as as God himself does is so different as do we see them, from the limits of this mundane life. Life can be of only two things ; adversity or of a friend.
How different from reality is spiritual thinking, how is it that we can know the One God of all? I'll tell you this, that once you come to know God better, it is an honor. And, once you begin to figure things out, once you get a taste of Him and things begin to become clearer, the effect of this will be that you'll want to know more. And, the intensity of this quest goes far beyond the mundane trappings of this life. In fact, all the mysteries can not be solved in the limitations of time in this dimension. In this other dimension, the spiritual realm, it will be a constant barrage of learning, and this learning, this thirst to understand it all, goes on forever. This, is eternal. It is the purity of Him, the perfection of God that draws you ever wanting more.
The Bible tells us right from the start, that: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. But it is the first three words of that sentence that are most important. In the beginning God, is the focus of this writing. Just three words. Written in Hebrew, the word God is pronounced Eloquiem, probably spelled wrong, but pronounced, (Elo Heem). Linguistically, the word is called a singular plural. Meaning, that God the Father God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, are each one third of the Godhead. Three personalities, one God. This holy trio is complete within, and of themselves, but also, complete as three together, One, completely God. But for us here now, we are shackled to this life, and so we must live it through. As the little lady in the movie Poltergeist said, Come one come all, all are welcome all are welcome.
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