Certainly racism exists in this country, but racism of one sort or another exists all over the world. But the type of racism our national protagonists look to forward is the type of rampant racism that existed during the Jim Crow era, certainly not of today! But since the Civil Rights act of the early sixties, things have gotten steadily better with each passing year. Les we forget that our President is a man of color, and the attorney General which is the highest ranking law enforcement officer in the land is also black! The truth is that your father's racism no longer exists in this country, so why do you look to resuscitate the corpse?
Today, by a wide margin, black people identify most with the Democratic party, but why? the Democratic party and their liberal base suffers from a kind of Oppressive Compassion, in that, in their zeal to help the poor of this nation, particularly the black community, they wind up hurting the very people they look to help! During the time of plantations, the slave community was totally dependent upon their taskmaster owners. But in this modern day type of plantation, the government becomes the taskmaster. Instead of rich landowners taking the lion's share from the cotton industry, it is the politicians who look to prosper from the government. The key in both situations, is to keep the people dependent. That is how the slave owners kept slaves back on the farm, and that is how the politicians keep the folk lined up on cold and rainy nights to vote!
Now you might say, How can you compare politicians to plantation owners? As with everything else, it is all about money and power! The plantation owners were more then happy to provide food and shelter for the people who made them fortunes by working in their fields. Just as today, politicians are willing to provide for who they see as the down trodden in our society, in return for their obedience at the poles. Politics have made more people wealthy, without the need to do any real work, and is far easier then running a productive farm! At least the plantation owners stood to loose everything if they did not pay proper attention to the matter at hand, where politicians risk nothing!
It is a strange situation as to what is happening here, in that, the tables have been reversed, and it is white people who are now discriminated against by making a concerted attempt to stifle their free speech! How is this done? Simple. Anytime, and for any reason, people want to silence a critic, all they must do is play the dreaded race card? Strangely, whites more then blacks will accuse others as being racist? And what is this evidence of this racism? Only that you not agree with the current administration? You cannot disagree with the President strictly on his record without some moron accusing you of racism!
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