Isn't it ironic, that Wall Street, that is the symbol of American capitalism, is the only thing that is keeping America from collapse? Despite the utter stupidity of the Obama administration, after 5 years of his guidance, the only good news, comes from the very sector that he and his far left loons hate the most, the Business sector! The only thing that has kept this country from a catastrophic financial collapse, comes from the very people, that the left loves to vilify the most!
Even the far left fringes who put together the talking points of this administration, could never have anticipated this? The economy that they hoped to collapse, as a way to cripple America's financial prowess, winds up prospering, in spite of their best efforts! Their complete lack of understanding of the financial engine which drives this great country, was never more apparent, as by the companies they chose to in vest in! If they learned anything at all about how the free market works, they learned that you cannot make a company succeed, by the government investing in it, but rather, the investor must adapt to what the market will give? In other words, only a well managed company who's time has come, can produce profits for it's investors. The government cannot control the free markets, nor should they ever attempt to, because the Free Enterprise System, which is the engine that drives that great Republic, is an entity unto itself, and because of this, can not be controlled by anyone! Not by super rich investors, whether they be private, or government!
Isn't it strange, that an administration, that set out to disprove a time honored fact like our economic strength is not what defines us, but rather, that an over sized government, bulging with expensive bureaucracies, is the way to prosperity, has in fact proven that it is the Free Market System of this Republic, that is the engine which drives the United States of America!
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