Sunday, June 23, 2013

From the Hip

  First, a bit of business? I have done what I said, as I have spent all my time writing a different book, and painting! Not that it has netted anything financial, but the prospects are much better? More self control!
   I was considering breaking the silence, but I always got distracted? But between what happened pre-dawn this morning, and what happened just minutes ago, I thought it a good a time as any to break the silence? The latter first. I just had a well dressed black kid go by on a bike, and yell from the boulevard, for me and all to hear, Zing Heil he yelled! I was at first confused, and then amused, and now? Entertained I guess? If this kid believes that I am a Nazi, he can't be very intelligent? He's either stupid, or just another frightened atheist? I can't decide which?
  But the second thing was really the first, and I can assure you, infinitely more important! It has to do with transitions, or more precisely, the transition from life to death. I was out for a while before sunrise, and at the end, just before I returned home, seeing my horizons change from a moonlit night to the light of day, is what triggered the thoughts I guess? If you look at life as being day, and night being death, it is more easily followed? The night was serene, it was quiet, with the full moon, it was perfect! But as the sun began to rise, a different beauty emerged, and along with the changing horizon, came the beginnings of the clamor of the day! For the believer, you pass from day unto night, and you enjoy both, because you can see perfectly, because, you are are alive eternally! You can see in the moonlight, and you can see more in the light of day, but you see forever! Not so for the unbelievers, for them is night eternal. With no stars or moonlight to light their way, just complete darkness! Alone, eternally, in total darkness!
  Well, that's it, that is all I have to say for now. Maybe I'll be back this way again soon?

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