Monday, June 10, 2013

Big Brother

  There has been a lot of talk about Big Brother lately, but who or what is big brother? Those who have read books like Animal Farm, or, 1984, have an idea as to an ideology that would be in place, and it is an ideology of control, all for the public good of course?
  But still, what do you think of, when the term comes up? Is it an actual person, a group of people, who, or what is Big Brother? It wouldn't take a great writer of fiction, to point at the massive complex being built out in Utah, and say, There it is, that is big brother! A million square feet of the most sophisticated computers in the world, all to hold everything that everyone does, from here, and all over the world! What do you think, will this complex fill the bill as the physical Big Brother? You can bet your boots it does!
  The politics that this leak has ignited is intriguing, if nothing else? The subject has turned everything upside down! We have conservatives who are perfectly fine with this huge bureaucracy, and liberals who are against it? To coin a line from a song, it's a mixed up, troubled up, shook up world?
  This massive computer system will have immense power, and we know that, Power corrupts, and absolute power, corrupts absolutely. We might all do well to remember that! Defend America, sure! But why must such a wide net be cast? Do we not know who our enemies are, isn't there a common link? Isn't this more of the same? As like grandma must get felt up, and a baby's diaper violated, all under the guise of political correctness? Mine all the data that is necessary from the groups who have any history of violence, whether they be foreign or domestic! But after a reasonable amount of time, as set forth by law, if no links to organized terror have been found, then note that, and release these people's files back into the general population.
  One thing you have to admit, as you decide which side of the issue that you fall on, is that the old adage is true? Politics really does make for strange bedfellows!

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