I have never troubled myself over a story as much as I have this one. There are a lot of reasons for this. Partly I suppose, because I mean to make this one and the one to follow as my last for awhile. I'm getting so close to finishing the book I'm working on I can taste it, and writing here distracts me from concentrating on it. Although this is hardly a revelation, writing a book where you have to keep track of the story line and its characters, is much different then sitting down to write a blog. So anyway, I figured to reach out one last time before I dedicated myself to finishing the book.
As it turns out, this one will be in two parts. This part to touch on the secular, and the stupidity that our politics have become, and the second part, dealing with what the spiritual meanings are to what is happening in the world. But on to politics, and it is impossible to talk about politics today, without discussing the enigma that is Donald Trump. His popularity can best be described as riding the crest of the pent up rage that Americans feel about our totally inept government. His popularity is not only with the right, but also with the left, who want only to say to those in power, Oh yeah, well up yours! How else can you explain his appeal, other then to see it as a mindless raging against the machine? The problem with ranting is that there is never any real substance. This is a guy who says that John McCain doesn't measure up to a hero in his mind? I don't care much for Mr. McCains' good ole boy type of politics either, but not a hero? Perhaps the Bruce Jenner freak show would be more to his liking, a man who woke up one day and thought to himself, I want to be a girl? But just in case that bit of stupidity didn't move you, consider his latest bit of lunacy. Dr. Ben Carson is an OK doctor? OK? This doctor covers a whole lot of firsts, all in one sweep. The first man to separate conjoined twins who were joined at the brain, or perhaps for you constantly offended feminists, the first human being, but also, the first black man, to appease you racists out there. A lot of firsts from a brilliant man who's intellect, makes Trump look like what he is, a self centered egotistical wind bag, and who needs that, we already have one in the Whitehouse.
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