Saturday, September 12, 2015

America, part two A

  One last comment about politics, sorry for that. The coming 2016 election is the most important in our history, ranking up there with the election of Abraham Lincoln, when such matters as states rights and slavery were decided. Never before have the differences in ideology been so stark. Make no mistake, if we continue down the road we have been traveling for the past ten years, it will be the ruin of this great land. You have a responsibility to take the time to fully understand the differences between these competing ideologies, make a decision based on what you find, and vote! That is the true power of the people, your vote. Because when you exercise that right, you help yourself and your country.
  So what is going on in the spirit world, and how will that world affect ours? First, you should know, that the spirit world does exist, spirits exist. God is pure spirit, and his counter part, Satan, he too is a spiritual being. There are only two types of spirits, the good ones who serve God the Father, and the other side, those who serve Satan. Though you may say to yourself, I have never seen these spirits, in truth, you have. Spirits are free to travel between worlds and dimensions, and so you can see them, but only for a brief moment. You know when you could swear you see a human figure in your periphery, but when you turn to face it, there is no one there? That is most often a spirit, and you can only see them for a fleeting moment, when they move from one dimension to the next. You have also seen evil spirits when you watch the utter evil that men do in accordance with their god, Satan. These Islamist extremists who carry out such barbaric atrocities on your television screens each night, are possessed by demons, and demons are evil spirits. So far gone are these evil men, that not only can they do these things without conscience, they have reached a point of depravity where they actually enjoy the pain and suffering that they inflict. Make no mistake, though we face many serious problems in this nation, nothing in either the long or short term is as important as bringing an end to these evil men of Isis, Al Queda, and like minded vermin. From a spiritual perspective, all of these things were predicted, prophesied about, thousands of years ago. Unlike sooth sayers and fortune tellers, all of which is prophesied in the bible, must come true. Most of you reading this know nothing of the bible, because you've never read it, but as someone who does, what is happening now, is occurring exactly as the bible had foretold that it would. All of what you see happening has been told in advance, and you can read it in the final book of the bible, The Book of Revelation.

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