Saturday, September 12, 2015

America, part two B

  I'm not even going to try to go much into Revelations, as it is a difficult book for knowledgeable Christians, which means it would be impossible for those who don't read scripture. Just a little side bar here, but writing about scripture, can go to a strictly spiritual place, and instead of writing in this business type of writing, it would be poetry. God speaks in poetry, beautifully sculptured words and phrases that may seem flowery to the ear, but also, hard hitting nuggets of truth lie within the veil of those flowery words. The point of all this, is to get you to understand even a little bit, that what happens in the spiritual world, has spilled full out into this world. If you think about that, it makes perfect sense that the spirit world is more powerful then the real world, because only one carries the power of the eternal. Make no mistake, what we are talking about here, is the end of the world, that final battle called, Armageddon. You see, if you would read the book, you would understand. More then that, you could predict future events, as all you would have to do is follow the prophecy. All of the horrors you watch on the news, the earth quakes, floods and other natural disasters, all of these will and are occurring, just exactly as the bible tells us they would. How does the spiritual world affect ours? You are seeing it in living color, splashed across your television each and every night. The bad news is, that it may get worse before it gets better. Not that the good times and prosperity are do us, because as it stands today, we need to drastically change our course. We need to get back to where we respect each other, and are respected in turn, as truly, we are all in this together. No matter your beliefs, left right, or somewhere out in wacko land, all of us have our lives affected by what goes on in the spirit world.
But the real question for you, what it is that you want to know, is when is this end supposed to come? The physical end is still a way off yet, but the beginning of the end, the "time of sorrows," has already begun. But still you say, Oh c'mon Ed, surely you could be a little more specific? The bible tells us, that no one shall know the time, and I don't. All I can tell you with surety, is that it is very close.
One of the final events that must take place before Jesus returns as the Lion Of Judah, coming dispersing judgement and justice, is that there will be a half hour of silence in heaven. Rev. 8:1 Now this is a very ominous silence. The best way to describe it; Imagine that the world just stopped one day for a half hour. No planes or trains run, all of your gadgets are shut down, and no one even spoke, just complete silence. Revelation 8:1: When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about a half an hour. I believe that we are now living in that half hour, so Jesus' second coming is very close. How close? Well, that depends on how long a half hour is in eternal time? After all the politicking is done, and after all these world governments have made their sabers heard, the only way to save this great nation, we must seriously change our course. We must humble ourselves as a nation before God, and pray he doesn't remove totally, his hand of protection.
  If my people will humble themselves and pray to me, I will heal their land. This is a promise of God.

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