Friday, September 12, 2014


  Many say that it is money that is the root of all evil, but many would be wrong. Money in and of it's self is little more then a tool for a goal, it is the owners of the pockets of where that money is kept that is the problem, money by itself is just so much sparkle and fluff. So much of what goes on in this world is the strife between the haves and the have nots.
  This fear that causes this strife between these opposites is well founded. Our history books are filled with the abuses' of the rich over the poor. Royalty and the elitists they bore, became a way to keep more for themselves at any cost, the working class be damned! So it is with the current fear that is at the base of any left thinker. Not too far back in history, we had the Viet Nam war, and those elitists were still hard at work screwing the working class. But then, instead of royalty, the new rich were huge Corporations that profited from a war that the sons of the working class got drafted into to fight. Chemical companies specifically made billions! Napalm, agent orange, and not to mention the makers of the war time hardware. 55,000 kids died, and for what? To keep a small island nation from becoming communist? In case you don't know, they are today, and they are of no threat to us. But today, is a different situation. Strangely, it was the right who controlled things back then, as families like the Gettys, Rockafellers and the like could shape our national policies to their likings. Today there are new oil barons? They are the ones who control the new black gold, the gold of information. And so we have seen along with it a shift based on there perspectives. Did you ever wonder to yourself, why is it that the left is so interested in the perceived short comings of a company like Walmart, and yet Apple is held in such high esteem? Big oil once ruled the roost, and now it is those who look to store and disseminate information. So not only is the pubic not concerned about their abuses, they'll even sit in line to buy their newest product. What it is, is that Capitalism which replaced Royalty has become? It is still the base of our economic health, only the players have changed. So now again, the working class is being used by those in power, but this time it is not people with a right looking or conservative point of views who looks to keep so many a good man down, but the left now has its turn.
  But the problem with this lack of trust for a military decision of any kind, can no longer be compared to what was done by those who profited by the blood spilled in Viet Nam, because this enemy wants to kill any and all who oppose, and those who preach peace at any cost, will come to find that is we who look to isolate ourselves as best we can from the evil of radical Islam, will only make things worse by prolonging the death of this great nation. Something that patriots from both sides wouldn't want. The truth of the matter? We either come together over this common enemy, or we will die together, and this great Nation will perish from the earth!

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