Sunday, September 28, 2014


  It is strange sometimes how things come to be? I have been thinking for some time now that I should write something, but I couldn't make my mind up as to what?
  I could write about politics, that is always so obvious, but in truth, it is still not obvious to many? When it comes to politics, more don't understand then do. But there is politics in religion also. It is most easily seen within factions that war with each other within the same religion. It wasn't too long ago when Irishmen killed each other all because of their particular slant on Christianity. What that was really all about had nothing to do with true spiritual matters, but had everything to do with the politics of religion. So now the sects, the tribes within the Muslim faith war with each other, and again, it is all about control, and control is gained through politics.
  But what is playing out now on the world stage, has nothing to do with the petty squabbles of men as to who will rule a religion. But what is happening now is true spiritual warfare spilled over in real time into this our reality, our world, and our time. It doesn't matter whether you believe in the spritual relm or not, and it doesn't even matter whether you believe in a Creator or not, because all, everyone of us will, and already are, caught up in this fight! You see, no matter how pious you are, no matter how hard you have pulled on those bootstraps of yours, you will not be able to not be caught up in the fray? Because sooner or later, you too will have to choose. And your choice? One God who preaches love and understanding while teaching liberally with great wisdom, or the other who sees' glory only in death and sacrificed blood? Which do you choose?

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