Tuesday, September 30, 2014

All You Want

  I have always been a tryer, or more poetically, I have always been a taster of life. Indeed, didn't the Lord tell us to taste and see that it is good? A sampling is what I get from this, and so like a wolf or a lion I go about tasting whatever interests me, by testing it out, and by giving it a little lick if all smells right.
  Although these same characteristics have always been the way I am, before I knew the Lord, I would do this testing with fear and trepidation, while now, now that I know God personally, I still taste and test whatever I find interesting, though now I do these things without any fear! It is the difinition of freedom you see, to be without fear. Freedom is fearless, and so if you are without fear, there is Nothing you need fear, you are free! Get it?
  But lately I have come to feel sort of like a machine? Controlled by things outside of my control, but still, even though I resent the prodding, I must be like a conveyor belt feeding your mouth with my words. The goal of this machine? I'm glad you asked that question. It is to fill you to overflowing with the words of God, until your wisdom grows hungry again, and all you want is more!

Sunday, September 28, 2014


  It is strange sometimes how things come to be? I have been thinking for some time now that I should write something, but I couldn't make my mind up as to what?
  I could write about politics, that is always so obvious, but in truth, it is still not obvious to many? When it comes to politics, more don't understand then do. But there is politics in religion also. It is most easily seen within factions that war with each other within the same religion. It wasn't too long ago when Irishmen killed each other all because of their particular slant on Christianity. What that was really all about had nothing to do with true spiritual matters, but had everything to do with the politics of religion. So now the sects, the tribes within the Muslim faith war with each other, and again, it is all about control, and control is gained through politics.
  But what is playing out now on the world stage, has nothing to do with the petty squabbles of men as to who will rule a religion. But what is happening now is true spiritual warfare spilled over in real time into this our reality, our world, and our time. It doesn't matter whether you believe in the spritual relm or not, and it doesn't even matter whether you believe in a Creator or not, because all, everyone of us will, and already are, caught up in this fight! You see, no matter how pious you are, no matter how hard you have pulled on those bootstraps of yours, you will not be able to not be caught up in the fray? Because sooner or later, you too will have to choose. And your choice? One God who preaches love and understanding while teaching liberally with great wisdom, or the other who sees' glory only in death and sacrificed blood? Which do you choose?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Robert Zimmerman and Friends (Clapton,Harrison,Petty,McGuinn,Cropper,Ree...

Robert Zimmerman and Friends (Clapton,Harrison,Petty,McGuinn,Cropper,Ree...  Anything that has these guys in has got to be and is all right in my book. Whether you believe any book of mine makes you of any mind at all, is strictly up to your mind? Don't think twice. You don't have to love me, its all right with me. I'll just knock the dust from my shoes and walk on. It ain't really no matter to me if you come or don't? In fact there are some of you who I admit, I couldn't care less if you come or not? It isn't up to me you see, My job is to lead you to the water. But as to whether you drink it or not is entirely up to you.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tested Truths: Isn’t Christianity Arrogant?

Tested Truths: Isn’t Christianity Arrogant?: Isn’t Christianity Arrogant?   The world will be told very soon, in fact it has already begun, to accept a new International church under th...

Isn’t Christianity Arrogant?

Isn’t Christianity Arrogant?  The world will be told very soon, in fact it has already begun, to accept a new International church under the lie of tolerance? In other words, most will become seduced by this lie that all roads lead to God, and it doesn't matter what religion you call your own? The strange part is, that besides the obvious politically correct bent to it, is the fact that by that very belief, you eliminate the reality of Christ. So in essence, the only one who agrees that religion is more often then not the problam as we look back on a bloodied past, and now will see it again. But this because of the false doctrines of men. Things haven't changed much from the tower of Babel.
  But the plain undeniable truth is, as excluseive as it may sound, is that Jesus is the only way to God the Father. It is he who will set you free from the bounds of impossible laws, and he alone can say, Come to the Father through me because I am the true door!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Anything Is Possible: Miracle Monday

Anything Is Possible: Miracle Monday:         Today's Miracle Monday comes from +James Alexander and is about the breaking of generational curses. If you have never heard of...

The Suffering One

The Suffering One  If you read nothing else of the Old Testament, read Isa. 50-52 Even the least knowledgable of you will see that he speaks if Jesus' first visit.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Whats the matter with you?

  Does matter really matter? What if matter doesn't matter to you, would that matter? What if people wanted to know whats the matter with you? Or worse yet, what if you were anti-matter, would that matter to you?
  What if nothing mattered, is it possible to not worry about anything if nothing matters? Surely by now you must be thinking to yourself, Whats the matter with him? Me? nothing is the matter to me, except for the matter of my question, What is matter? Is it only what we consider substantive and physical? And if that is so, what is it that surrounds the physical things, are they matter too? Do you see the quandry here, can you understand my predicament?
  But I guess if any of this little talk matters to you at all, then I will have been successful in passing my consideration onto you, and then it will be yours too. But the only remaining question for me is, Now that I have made my consideration your consideration, Does that matter?

Thursday, September 18, 2014


  There is a general concencous among the saints that Jesus has already returned and is already here,. Now it is a curious point of view as Jesus has never left. Didn't he say as he left this earth after his murder that, I will be with you always, Lo until the end of the earth? Did you think it only a metaphor, or worse yet, did you think that he lied? That is the one thing Jesus is not capable of, he can not lie! Every word he utters is true, truth, steeped in honor and solid fact. You see, when Jesus rose up in the clouds while making his exit from this world, what he said was not a question as I would ask, leaving an element of doubt in your head, in the hope that you would look to see whether what I had just told you was accurate or not? No, Jesus made a statement, and because he is incapable of telling anything but the truth, so what he said can be depended on, and if you claim to know him, then there can be no doubt.
  But OK Ed you say, if by excepting to be born again into the spirit of God, Jesus does exactly as you claim he does, and take up residence permanently in our hearts, how do we know when the voice we hear in our mind is His and not ours? There is a simple answer to this, as all of God's answers are simple and to the point. If it is his voice that you hear, then what you thought was true. Not mired in the perspective of your point of view, but true, plain and simple. You may hear conflicting points of view, some your own, some not, but you will hear the truth, and it is your conscience that will decipher that truth to whatever way you are disposed? Simply put, the voice of God is truth, and though you may have bits and pieces of truth, with God you get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and no mortal man can make that statement!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Being Shy

  A couple of days ago, I met, or more accurately, re-met, a woman who I went to grammar school with. What are the odds of that? So anyway, once I realize that not only did we go to the same school, we were in the same class! But I can't place her, and it's driving me nuts! So I begin by speaking about people from the same school, I keep rattling off names, but none of them strikes a cord with this girl?
So I ask her, do you remember me? No, she says? Eventually she tells me that she was painfully shy, and that her parents were very strict, and that she had only one girl friend from back then, she tells me her name, and I hadn't heard of her either?
  So, obviously, this whole thing intrigues me, as this was not a hugh school, in fact, it was rather small. I have to know this girl I say to myself, and then she described where she sat, and that did it! I could see her sitting there just as sure as that day. Not only was she shy, but because of it, she was always withdrawn, she looked the epitome of a mousey type of girl. The kind who blushed even if all you said to her was hello? Isolated by fear? But the more I thought about it, I realized that I too was shy back then, but I had taken a different tact. Instead of going in, I went the other way? I was the class clown, later to become a wise ass punk in high school. My way was to use sarcasm and humor to fend off anyone who tried to look too closely at me. Many comedians are like this. Confident while on stage, but jumping at shadows when off.
  The plain truth is, even those who seem so in control all the time, and outgoing in their personality, they too are shy. Being shy is just a way of people knowing you too well, it is because if they knew who you really were, that they would know that you aren't as cool as you try to make yourself out to be. Being shy is about feeling guity. The first were, you guessed it, the first couple, Adam and Eve. They made wild love in the high grasses of the meadow until they did that thing with the fruit! What happened then? All of a sudden they became self concous, and went to get some fig leafs to cover themselves. So what did the knowledge of the tree of good and evil really bring them? Was Satan's promise of how they will be like God true? No, all it did at first is make them know that they were naked and exposed, and make them feel guilty enough to hide themselves from each other. And later when Jesus entered the garden, and called for them to walk with him as they did every day, they hid from him. One bite of that fruit, and innocence was gone, and in it's place, only doubt and fear.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

RZIM Events in Seattle Area

RZIM Events in Seattle Area  This will be an incredibly important event. With all that is going on right now. Radical Islam, the open persecution of Christians and others, who dare not bow to a religion so steeped in the desire to have everyone think as they do? Think their way, or die! Certainly, though I have not yet seen it myself, the RZIM team will explain why what is happening is happening?
  Even if you don't consider yourself not a believer in the realm of the spiritual, this talk promises to clear up why what is currently going on, is. Even if the holy ghost reminds you of a holloween prank, you still need to see this! Present it to a church, synagogue, mosque or schoolhouse near you. Thank you for your cooperation!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Pink Floyd - Us and Them / Any Color 1080p HD PULSE 1994

testedtruths@blogspot.blogger.com  Soon there will be only two? Us will be the believers in God, and them, the one's who don't. This has been foretold by the Prophets of the Bible. It is the time, whose time has now come. The dividing of the people based on one difference. A difference that will mean all that is in this world, and also what part will be played by the saints of God (The Believers), and those who will also know eternity as a reality. But for those who deny Jesus Christ, it is eternal death that waits for them. So choose this day who you will serve, Us, or Them?


  Many say that it is money that is the root of all evil, but many would be wrong. Money in and of it's self is little more then a tool for a goal, it is the owners of the pockets of where that money is kept that is the problem, money by itself is just so much sparkle and fluff. So much of what goes on in this world is the strife between the haves and the have nots.
  This fear that causes this strife between these opposites is well founded. Our history books are filled with the abuses' of the rich over the poor. Royalty and the elitists they bore, became a way to keep more for themselves at any cost, the working class be damned! So it is with the current fear that is at the base of any left thinker. Not too far back in history, we had the Viet Nam war, and those elitists were still hard at work screwing the working class. But then, instead of royalty, the new rich were huge Corporations that profited from a war that the sons of the working class got drafted into to fight. Chemical companies specifically made billions! Napalm, agent orange, and not to mention the makers of the war time hardware. 55,000 kids died, and for what? To keep a small island nation from becoming communist? In case you don't know, they are today, and they are of no threat to us. But today, is a different situation. Strangely, it was the right who controlled things back then, as families like the Gettys, Rockafellers and the like could shape our national policies to their likings. Today there are new oil barons? They are the ones who control the new black gold, the gold of information. And so we have seen along with it a shift based on there perspectives. Did you ever wonder to yourself, why is it that the left is so interested in the perceived short comings of a company like Walmart, and yet Apple is held in such high esteem? Big oil once ruled the roost, and now it is those who look to store and disseminate information. So not only is the pubic not concerned about their abuses, they'll even sit in line to buy their newest product. What it is, is that Capitalism which replaced Royalty has become? It is still the base of our economic health, only the players have changed. So now again, the working class is being used by those in power, but this time it is not people with a right looking or conservative point of views who looks to keep so many a good man down, but the left now has its turn.
  But the problem with this lack of trust for a military decision of any kind, can no longer be compared to what was done by those who profited by the blood spilled in Viet Nam, because this enemy wants to kill any and all who oppose, and those who preach peace at any cost, will come to find that is we who look to isolate ourselves as best we can from the evil of radical Islam, will only make things worse by prolonging the death of this great nation. Something that patriots from both sides wouldn't want. The truth of the matter? We either come together over this common enemy, or we will die together, and this great Nation will perish from the earth!


  If I were to ask you what time it is, what would be your answer? First, wouldn't you have to know where it is that I'm coming from? Meaning, not a question as to the time of day, as if I were checking to see if I was late for some reason, but rather, what time is it in a cosmic sense? Then what would be your answer, assuming that you thought to answer such a question as that? More probably, you would think to yourself, man, I gotta get away from this dude! But like the question or not, it really doesn't much matter, because the question still stands. So where are we, what time has it become in a cosmic sense? That is to say, where does the hands of the eternal clock stand, and what by it's time does what is going on in the here and now have to do with anything? Not much if you perspective is only of this life? But for those of us who are aware of the eternal clock, we know what time it is.
  It is nearing the end that the book of Revelation speaks about. Look, the players are all taking their marks. And it will soon come to pass where your silly political beliefs that so divide you now will matter little to both those on the left, and for those on the right? For there will still be division, but instead of by men's ideologies, we will be divided by those who know the Lord, and those who don't! Be on the wrong side of this one, and it is your life that will be at stake alright, Your Eternal life!

Never bite the hand that feeds you,

  If this isn't a proverb, it should be! But it brings to mind a scene that unfolded live, not on tape, while I was out getting gas just a few hours ago. As to why I feel the need to tell you any of this, or as to why because I've been writing only with the accompaniment of music, and therefore think that I need do one without it, is unknown to me, but for whatever reason, here it is. So what could be easier then writing about something that actually happened?
  So I have Max with me when I stop for gas, because it is time for his morning constitutional. Apparently, Max snuck out of the car when I went out to fish for my credit card to pay Joe, my local gas jockey, for the twenty bucks worth of regular I had just ordered? I first notice him when he came round to circle the car and the gas pumps. But being a dog, and worse yet, being a male dog, Max begins heading towards the highway, where the bastards would surely run him down if he was to dare get in the way while they were in a rush to go to work, or wherever else they may be heading? At any rate, now I'm pissed, and I have to go after him, because he is ignoring my calls. I finally get him when he stops to roll in the flattened dead carcass of a squirrel, no doubt to rid himself from smelling like a French whore. He had just been washed and so on. But now, thanks to his stop from the highway adventures, I have him by the collar, and he reaches around with his head, attempting to bite my hand? Now I'm really pissed, and I twist the collar, just tight enough for control without actually killing him by choking off his air! I had considered it mind you, as I'm hardly the dog whisperer type? The point is that real drama ensued until at last I got him back to the car. So how did it end? Well, I ain't bit, and Max? Well, let's just say that I doubt he'll ever try that again?

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Waiting for Title, just another matter

  I finally watched, 13 hours in Benghazi, and it moved me deeply! The men who were there for this pitched gun battle, who waited and prayed for help in vain, are the best of us all. God, family and country, in that order is their priorities, and then to have little more then some wayward school girl besmirch their integrity, when she is in league with an administration that has none? Makes my blood boil! If you have any love for this country at all, You really need to see this! Family men, men of deep faith, they speak of honor, they rise up to commitment, they rise up to protect their brothers, even after their deaths? Courage! Honor and scarifice, All admirable qualities that have all but been forgotten here? Here in the land that God himself has blessed, here where he offered a way to govern with respect to all! But look at us today, what have we become? Sqabbling over silly differences spread out by a press who is unknowingly in league with those who look to destroy us?
  The latest ploy, the thing they always go to as they have right from day one? Forget the lies they look to spread in Missouri, remember that good lady from agriculture, I believe she was the head of it? On her way home in her car, she gets an ugent call from the Whitehouse, telling her that she is about to be outed by Glen Beck? In case you are not familiar with the event, a part of a video of her talking to a white farm owning client. The snippet could easily have been construed as black on white racism, so they wanted to talk to her. That the poor woman had to pull over just to understand? And this from an administration just newly in office, and their rabbit ears are so big, that they're worried about what Glen Beck might say? And for the record, because I was watching as he said it, We only have a moment of that encounter, you can not draw a conclusion until you have seen the entire film. And when that piece was shown it it's entirety, the woman was a rare thing these days, a helpful public servant, and she told them the truth with dignity, and helped them. So why the alarm? Black panthers outside a Philadelphia polling place, complete with billy clubs, just another matter?

Crying Rocks

Friday, September 5, 2014

Beyond ‘If’

Beyond ‘If’  This one I actually read before posting. It is an important perspective that all who are in the faith need to desparately understand. In short, the lesson is, stop putting God in a box that is comfortable for you! He meets each of us where we are.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Hornets Nest

  John awake to see the sunset, and just for a moment, he allowed himself to remember another sunset, one at home with her. Her, he thought, and her pretty face flashed in his mind! He shook it off though, snapping his reality to the scene at hand. Around him, all of his brothers slept, or like him, were just now waking after the last gasps of daylight began fading into night.
  His platoon wore the patch of Night Fighter, a proud member of Shadow Company, of the Tactical  Anti-Terror Battalion, or TAB as the men called it. They were special forces alright, but with one difference from their daylight brothers? All of their hunting and fighting was done at night, and so they slept during the daylight hours.
  Now special forces are special forces, but almost to a man, all would say of these night warriors that, They were the baddest mother fuckers on the planet! And so John now fully awake, brushed the cover from off of his body and rose to a seated position, stretching the tightness out of his muscles. His platoon had been on these type of missions before. In fact, before they left the camp for insertion, the guys were laughing at their last snatch and capture mission. That was a great snatch someone said, Did you see the look on his face when we pulled him off that little kid? I thought he might die, and headquarters would never believe that we didn't off the little rodent ourselves. Yeah, he was a particularly despicable cock roach George said. George was the platoon's poet.
  Because they only did their hunting and killing at night, the men would always pick a place that offered the most natural cover as could be had from the environment in which they found themselves, and when the daylight came, that was the time to sleep, and the men would sleep covered in whatever was natural, and slept in a circle from the rally point, about one hundred yards across. As the saying went, no one sleeps unless all sleep. And so they set no sentries, but rather slept in this circle, each man spaced from the other on his left and his right. Once one rose up to fight, they all did. God help the poor pilgrim who while walking was unlucky enough to kick one of them to life, because he will have just entered the hornets nest, and he is about to get stung with malice!

The Commander of Spin

  Wouldn't you know it? It took a press conference from Europe to finally get a press member not from Fox news to ask a tough question of our fearless leader? Now you can attribute this new willingness to engage the President in questions of great importance, rather then of the distraction of free rubbers, to the reality that the world is truly on fire, and we, the entire world now stand on the brink of yet another World War, all under his watch! Oh there are still a handful of fools who when cornered will utter what used to deflect so well, that being, Aa, It's all Bush's fault? But that dog will no longer hunt, because all but the incredibly stupid have finally been awakened to the total ineptness of this administration. Indeed, in the front row was Josh un-Ernest, and Dan the fife and drum Pheiffer, to solid believers and disciples of this evil.
  So Ann Compton was the first to ask a real question, and she even countered with a follow up question that had nothing to do with his birthday, or some other trivial matter. But the king of spin did what he does the best. He first danced around the subject and because this was not a tele-prompted reaction, injected semantics into it, as soon as he decided on what trek to take with it. Ann was no match, as this guy is the king of spin, and he has a doctorate in the science of semantics. What is semantics? It is the art of changing a word or a short phrase, and by so doing, deflect a truthful answer, but bolster a political agenda. And although this Whitehouse is not serious about protecting this great nation, or for that matter, the free countries of the world, but for now, only look to keep the ever decreasing fools in tow. In short, semantics is the science of subtle lies, and our president is the Commander of Spin, for it is only this that he is a master of!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Surprised by Time

Surprised by Time Never be surprised by time. Remember that in this world, What goes around comes around, so if you fear that you have missed the boat, take heart, for another one will come, and make sure that your boarding pass is in order!

Surprised by Time

Surprised by Time Never be surprised by time. Remember that in this world, What goes around comes around, so if you fear that you have missed the boat, take heart, for another one will come, and make sure that your boarding pass is in order!

Tested Truths: Safari | Browser Extensions | AddThis

Tested Truths: Safari | Browser Extensions | AddThis: Safari | Browser Extensions | AddThis   I am truly honored, that the good people over at RZIM have seen to it that I might post their magazi...

Safari | Browser Extensions | AddThis

Safari | Browser Extensions | AddThis  I am truly honored, that the good people over at RZIM have seen to it that I might post their magazines and the like on my site. I have always loved their approach to presenting the Gospel, as their way is to challenge you intellectually. Ravi himself, has taken on any and all comers like that fool Dawkins, who as you might know, champions the atheist point of view.  Dawkins is the least of these minds he challenges to an open debate, the least of them, because although atheists can be quite smart when it comes to the ways of the world, the flip side of that, is because they do not understand the truth, they have no understanding as to why the world is the way it is? But that for me is neither here nor there, for again, for lack of a better word, I am honored by their presence here!