Calming The Beast? So it's sluggish Thursday. Today is Thursday, right? Despite what you may have heard, retirement is not all that it's cracked up to be?
But anyway, I was thinking to myself, How is it that I might instill a little life into this crowd? And of course, a special shout out to St. Louis fans. Cheer up gang, it's only one game? But anywho, back to the subject at hand! Music, music will calm the savage beast. Something up tempo. Certainly not a ballad, for they are best appreciated at night when you are looking only to relax.
To wit: By the way, does anyone know what a wit is? I would submit Roy Orbison's A Black and White Night, tracks 11-13, starting with Candy Man, and ending with the Mean Woman Blues! Call them Three for Thursday, or call them what you will, but these ought to do the trick? They will definitely get your foot to tappin, and with any luck, they might just get your soul rejoicing!
So have a great Thursday everyone, and I hope this little musical interlude put a little spring back into your step!
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