So on TV last night, they jumped and they danced, and they sung, Oh how they sung! It's entertainment, anything to take your mind off the drudgery and the problems that beset us. But outside in the cover of darkness and in the full light of day in other places, they plan and connive! They look all about them, and make plans to divide the spoils. They can do it in plain site, because the oblivion of the people is all that they need! Conspiracy theories thrive in an environment like this, and why not, because it is from secrecy, that conspiracy theories are born.
What is still unseen for the most part, is a plan that has been underway for decades, but is only now coming into fruition. This conspiracy theory is no longer just a therory, because it has moved from a plan to a reality! The plan moves forward, unencumbered for the most part, slowed only when the secrecy becomes apparent to even the most naive among us. The murder of innocents, the assassination of four brave Americans, murdered on sovereign American soil, government spying, the IRS used for political gain, these are problems that must be addressed and swept under the carpet quickly, so that all will be forgotten.
But how has it gotten to this, how is it that the American people are so grossly unaware? A compliant press certainly, but it goes much deeper then that. The freedom of the people is falling by the wayside while the people dance? But the changes are subtle, so much so that the people fail to notice? It starts with the dulling of our speech, and political correctness has seen to that quite nicely! Once the people have been made to be afraid of their own words, then the goal of stiffling free speech is within reach. The people must be kept unaware, because only when the public is oblivious to what is really going on, can those who would do us harm have any chance at all of winning. It has been said that this country will fall without a shot being fired, and it is the only way that we can fall. Even though we are no longer respected in the world, no one would choose to take on the American Military! If we are to loose our freedom, it will not be because it was taken from us, but rather, it will be because we gave it away!
Remember, that by your silence, you invite evil to have it's way.
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