Sunday, June 30, 2013

Responding to the Challenges of the New Atheists, Part 2 of 2

Responding to the Challenges of the New Atheists, Part 2 of 2

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tested Truths: From the Hip

Tested Truths: From the Hip:   First, a bit of business? I have done what I said, as I have spent all my time writing a different book, and painting! Not that it has net...

From the Hip

  First, a bit of business? I have done what I said, as I have spent all my time writing a different book, and painting! Not that it has netted anything financial, but the prospects are much better? More self control!
   I was considering breaking the silence, but I always got distracted? But between what happened pre-dawn this morning, and what happened just minutes ago, I thought it a good a time as any to break the silence? The latter first. I just had a well dressed black kid go by on a bike, and yell from the boulevard, for me and all to hear, Zing Heil he yelled! I was at first confused, and then amused, and now? Entertained I guess? If this kid believes that I am a Nazi, he can't be very intelligent? He's either stupid, or just another frightened atheist? I can't decide which?
  But the second thing was really the first, and I can assure you, infinitely more important! It has to do with transitions, or more precisely, the transition from life to death. I was out for a while before sunrise, and at the end, just before I returned home, seeing my horizons change from a moonlit night to the light of day, is what triggered the thoughts I guess? If you look at life as being day, and night being death, it is more easily followed? The night was serene, it was quiet, with the full moon, it was perfect! But as the sun began to rise, a different beauty emerged, and along with the changing horizon, came the beginnings of the clamor of the day! For the believer, you pass from day unto night, and you enjoy both, because you can see perfectly, because, you are are alive eternally! You can see in the moonlight, and you can see more in the light of day, but you see forever! Not so for the unbelievers, for them is night eternal. With no stars or moonlight to light their way, just complete darkness! Alone, eternally, in total darkness!
  Well, that's it, that is all I have to say for now. Maybe I'll be back this way again soon?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Tested Truths: And there you have it

Tested Truths: And there you have it:   Instinctively, I look down and to my left for the script, but there isn't one? I have three different pages written, all in an attempt...

And there you have it

  Instinctively, I look down and to my left for the script, but there isn't one? I have three different pages written, all in an attempt to say what it is that I have to say? The truth is, that it makes me damn uncomfortable to talk about, but I feel that I must, if I am to have any piece at all? Man this is hard? Maybe just the direct approach, maybe I should just be blunt! This will be my last post for a while, but I will continue writing, but no longer for free. I have wrestled with this for a long while, and something must be done!
  I have tried before to get out of this electronic cage they have me in, but they win, I can't? Everything I try to do, every contact I try to make is thwarted somehow? The fact that I am not good with computer software, certainly has something to do with it, but not all! In honesty, I know that I am a good writer, certainly good enough to be picked up by a publisher by now, but still it hasn't happened?  It is the source of frustration, and many a battle here on the home front!
  So what I have decided, is that I will go underground for a while? Meaning, that I will write at length, but only in a word processor. I will not post it up on the Social Media sites. This is really not a severe move, as Facebook and Twitter have already banned me! Apparently, somebody thinks that I am subversive?

I think that the other reason I was hesitant, is because of the Scriptual subject which is bound to come up? Namely, the situation between God and mammon? That is to say, that some will say to themselves, Look, now he writes for money, and the words of God should be taught freely! They certainly are right about that, as mammon can never come before God! But I don't look to do that. What I want to do, is set about filling for one of those 501 forms, to start a non profit online ministry. I wonder how long I will have to wait before I get my license?
  The other thing I would like to say, in my defense, is that there is nothing wrong in wanting to be paid fairly for your labors! Paul justified his being paid, because he was an expert tent builder, and wanted to be paid for his work! I think of myself as a sort of tent builder, though my tents are made of words instead of canvas.
  So I will write my books, and continue with my painting, and I will probably be much happier without the internet for a while? I will post freely about important things as they arise, and I will still answer anyone who needs help in some way! Again, this is not only about money, as I have made clear my 90/10 split. Please pray that this endeavor be a fruitful one, and that many be saved by the work we can do together. Anyone interested on getting in on the ground floor please contact me? Accountants, lawyers, and no small amount of computer people! Thanks, and thank all of you who have read these words of mine. I'll be around, and I hope to see you soon!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tested Truths: In the Spirit

Tested Truths: In the Spirit:   It has always been my intent, to lead as many of you as will come, to a better understanding of who God is, and by this understanding, tha...

In the Spirit

  It has always been my intent, to lead as many of you as will come, to a better understanding of who God is, and by this understanding, that you come to understand, that the only way to God the Father, is through Jesus Christ his son!
  Being in the Spirit, is to be free from worry, when you are in the spirit, you are free, period! For me, my pursuit of God came from two things, A search for the answers to the questions of life, and a love of the truth! To be in the spirit is to be awash in great thought! Great in its simplicity, great because every thought is true! There is great power in thought, and the way to wisdom is by understanding!
  I will try to explain it, but trust me, it would be better for you if you experience it for yourself! Imagine if you will, that when you are alone and in thought, that virtually everything that you think of is true? There would be no reason to doubt yourself! In fact, it would be empowering, wouldn't you think?
The answer to this is yes, it is very empowering, but it is not without its problems? Although everyone claims that they want the truth, most don't know it when they see it, and some even fear it, as it makes them feel uncomfortable? Truth lies in the simplicity of life, it takes no great intellect to know the truth. The problem is never not knowing it, the problem is accepting it!
  Strangely, evil people are very aware of the truth, because they hate it, and it scares them! The problem for the majority of the people who are not evil, is that they are otherwise engaged, and they see no need to search for God? They are complete within themselves, they are heard to say, I'm a good person, I have never killed or raped anyone, I try never to hurt someone's feelings, and I go out of my way to be polite. This is their religion, they have faith in themselves, and they feel no need for a savior?
  These are the type who will scoff at God, and they see no good reason why they should be alarmed? They are complete within themselves, and they figure that they are good people, and if in fact there is a God, surely He will accept them? This is a false belief. A belief that if not remedied along the road of this life, will end with death eternal! This not of an angry God, but of a jealous God who will have your respect! A decision that he will not make for you, but rather, a decision that you must make willingly yourself!
  To know God is to know greatness, to know God is to know what is true! There is more then understanding with God, with him, is the knowledge of everything! Come home to God, bend your knee and worship him, you can resist the truth no more! Amen.

Tested Truths: NSA/Future Fiction

Tested Truths: NSA/Future Fiction:   I have a three page fictional account of the NSA story already written out. It was actually pretty good, if I do say so myself, and I just...

NSA/Future Fiction

  I have a three page fictional account of the NSA story already written out. It was actually pretty good, if I do say so myself, and I just did? It was a tongue in cheek story, on a news story which occurs on June 12, 2033, twenty years from today. Because it was already three pages and growing quickly, I decided against it? That, and the fact, that by it being an attempt at humor, laced with no small amount of sarcasm, that it just would not be proper? The point of fact is, that this story is so interesting on so many fronts, and so incredibly important to this country, that it begs some serious attention!
  The best example of how interesting it is, is the fact that it has forged some curios pairings. Glen Beck, and Rush Limbaugh on the same side as Van Jones and Michael Moore, You can't make this stuff up! Whether you agree with what Ed Snowden did, or not, is irrelevant? What is important, at least at this stage, is the fact that we are having an honest discussion. One that is so personal, that it blows political affiliations right out of the water! People are reacting honestly, speaking for themselves, without a teleprompter, or a prepared talking point! In short, people who are trained not to speak openly, and to never be wholly clear (Politicians), are being direct and honest, and frankly, I find that refreshing!
  I'm looking at my three hand written pages for the next line? A force of habit I guess? Still, when you have a good story, you do want to tell it. Maybe just another chapter in one of the books I can't get published? I'll tell you this one part however. The only real name I used was that of the reporter in the story, just because I love the guy's name? I mean, Trace Gallagher, how cool is that? He could easily be a gunslinger at the OK coral, or Machine Gun Kelly's sidekick? If I had a name like that, I would thank my parents every day, but I digress?
  But this is a most serious subject, one that challenges us about our beliefs, and the freedom to express those beliefs. The players in this, are obvious. The fact that the subject came to light under this administration is ironic to say the least? What in essence this is about, is whether the American people can trust their government to know everything about them, and to never use this treasure trove of information against them for political gain! This with an ever growing evidence of just such abuse,  
almost daily, coming from branches of the government, sworn to protect those rights?
  Certainly, the protection of our citizens from the outright evil which seeks to destroy us, should have every tool available! But if we freely give up our freedoms in order to stay safe, haven't the terrorists already won?

Monday, June 10, 2013

Tested Truths: Big Brother

Tested Truths: Big Brother:   There has been a lot of talk about Big Brother lately, but who or what is big brother? Those who have read books like Animal Farm, or, 198...

Big Brother

  There has been a lot of talk about Big Brother lately, but who or what is big brother? Those who have read books like Animal Farm, or, 1984, have an idea as to an ideology that would be in place, and it is an ideology of control, all for the public good of course?
  But still, what do you think of, when the term comes up? Is it an actual person, a group of people, who, or what is Big Brother? It wouldn't take a great writer of fiction, to point at the massive complex being built out in Utah, and say, There it is, that is big brother! A million square feet of the most sophisticated computers in the world, all to hold everything that everyone does, from here, and all over the world! What do you think, will this complex fill the bill as the physical Big Brother? You can bet your boots it does!
  The politics that this leak has ignited is intriguing, if nothing else? The subject has turned everything upside down! We have conservatives who are perfectly fine with this huge bureaucracy, and liberals who are against it? To coin a line from a song, it's a mixed up, troubled up, shook up world?
  This massive computer system will have immense power, and we know that, Power corrupts, and absolute power, corrupts absolutely. We might all do well to remember that! Defend America, sure! But why must such a wide net be cast? Do we not know who our enemies are, isn't there a common link? Isn't this more of the same? As like grandma must get felt up, and a baby's diaper violated, all under the guise of political correctness? Mine all the data that is necessary from the groups who have any history of violence, whether they be foreign or domestic! But after a reasonable amount of time, as set forth by law, if no links to organized terror have been found, then note that, and release these people's files back into the general population.
  One thing you have to admit, as you decide which side of the issue that you fall on, is that the old adage is true? Politics really does make for strange bedfellows!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tested Truths: See you on the next page?

Tested Truths: See you on the next page?:   If there is to be any order to this one at all, the only way to tell it with any accuracy, is to retrace my steps from tonight's walk,...

See you on the next page?

  If there is to be any order to this one at all, the only way to tell it with any accuracy, is to retrace my steps from tonight's walk, and by that, hopefully sort out the one thought, that I thought most interesting? What happened tonight, is not much different then what happens on most other nights, but tonight I thought thoughts that I had thought of in other ways, but not as specific as this one? In that, this time, the plan was made more direct, this time, it may just be a time who's time has come, but this remains to be seen? What usually happens when I know that I am supposed to write something, and I think about what to write while out walking?  What I think at the time, and then think to remember,  gets jumbled in with all the others, and I can't make any sense out of the whole kitten ka boodle? At times like these, I usually just sit and write what it is that I am thinking at the moments directly after my walk, Whew!
  So, I said all that to say this. Because this one thought was so different, I must separate it from those which accompanied it when I thought it? But I think that it should be said? Oh hell, why don't I stop all this himming and hawing, and get to the point? It seems to me, something that must be said, and now, it is clear in my mind! Though this thought was different, it was only so in that, there seems to be a time and place for it to happen, if in fact, it is to happen at all? Because it, like anything else, will become a fact, only after it has been tested by the reality connected to it's telling? But this is not for me to judge, so only by the putting out of the idea, can it ever be, or not be?
  So I guess I had better out with it, as I'll be interested myself to see if this changes anything at all, and whether it is something to be pursued any further?
  Anyway, I am running out of music, and also out of the page, so it is time to let this one go for another time. See you on the next page?

Tested Truths: Alone in a crowd

Tested Truths: Alone in a crowd:   To be left alone, is to be left by yourself, and yet, there seems so many things to think about, and yet, so little to do? It is a puzzlin...

Alone in a crowd

  To be left alone, is to be left by yourself, and yet, there seems so many things to think about, and yet, so little to do? It is a puzzling state of mind, I mean who is it that instigates the lack of communication?
The answer is, that It is a little of us, but a lot of them!
  Distinctive personalities, distinguish between right and wrong. Now that last sentence has little to do with the subject matter at hand, at least, not yet? I wrote it because it popped into my mind, sorry about that?
  The more you are alone, the less accessible you are. But this is just the physical side of it, for some people, can be out and about, rubbing elbows with the rest of the rabble, and still stay to themselves? Alone in a crowd I guess?
  We are forever spoken about, but not well known? We are private beings who socialize, not social beings who are private, there is a difference! In truth, they are two entirely different trends of thought,
as one is true, and the other is not! But I'll leave you here to figure the rest out, because to be honest, I'm not real sure why I'm here? Do you see what I did there?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Tested Truths: Truth is Undeterred

Tested Truths: Truth is Undeterred:     It has taken me quite a long time, but I have found that I can live without most things? But then again, there are those things with whi...

Truth is Undeterred

    It has taken me quite a long time, but I have found that I can live without most things? But then again, there are those things with which I will never part? The things which I refuse to live without, all have a common lineage, as they are all built on truth!
  Truth goes out and about well armed, and though lies like nats swirl all around her, Truth never worries! Truth knows full well who she is, Her way is of beauty and grace, Truth is beautiful to behold!
Truth is elegant, her every move a symphony! She knows me, and I know her, and it is her who calls me home, and it is her for whom I pant!
  She is my love, and I have sworn to never forsake her! For she is mine, and I am hers, and we will consumate our love soon!

Tested Truths: Find The Cure

Tested Truths: Find The Cure:   Look at the governments of the world, for they each fight a common enemy. Who is this common enemy? Its name is Compliance, and it is an i...

Find The Cure

  Look at the governments of the world, for they each fight a common enemy. Who is this common enemy? Its name is Compliance, and it is an integral part, if socialism is to work. It is not enough to have just the elitists among their ranks, for them to be truly successful, they must have the working classes in lockstep to their agendas.
  Europe is ahead of us in this, as the socialist model has been in place for some time now, but the lack of finance has caused the rioting in the streets! For Socialism to work, the governing elitists must make good on their promises, in order to keep the working class content. How content? Just content enough to remain apathetic! For contentment breeds apathy, and once the populace is content and apathetic, it is then when they will loose their freedom, and this, without ever knowing it? Freedom leaves, while no one is watching. So now that their tax revenues are falling away, there is much less money to spread. And when there is not enough money, the elitists can no longer make good on their promise of that Utopian society that they said was sure to come, and so, the people riot!
  But in this country, we still have time, because the people are beginning to awaken to the danger. And so, we are starting to rethink about the empty promises that we were sold, and we may have woken up, just in the nick of time? Because rioting here, is not far behind!
  But we must start by not fearing words? We must adapt to the term Socialism? Because if we don't, if we don't admit to ourselves what it is that is happening here, then we had all better smile stupidly at the camera, and on the count of three, all say Socialism together? Because if we cannot, or will not admit to what is that is at stake here. If we can't acknowledge the disease, how can we ever find the cure?

Tested Truths: America's Keswick

Tested Truths: America's Keswick:   The responsibility of it all was his, and the recognition of this, came with a rush of emotion, all his sensors wide open! What? Wait, wha...

America's Keswick

  The responsibility of it all was his, and the recognition of this, came with a rush of emotion, all his sensors wide open! What? Wait, what was that again? That quick and then gone! Just a snap of a moment, a twinkling in time. It is that way with Profundity! I love the word profundity, because I learned it from a great man! A true visionary, a prospector of souls! Often, it is his words I hear in my head, they come out as pieces of sentences, phrases I suppose? This is a man who has had the most profound influence on my life, and his name is William Raws!
  It was his family from two generations back, who first thought to start, the ministry known as, America's Keswick. America's Keswick, located in Whiting New Jersey, is the ministry which saved my physical life twice, and my spiritual one, once and for all!
  I didn't know that this was to be a kind of testimony, but apparently, it was? America's Keswick, is a Christian Rehabilitation center, for drunks and drug addicts, and at one time or another, I was both!

Tested Truths: Wall Street

Tested Truths: Wall Street:   Isn't it ironic, that Wall Street, that is the symbol of American capitalism, is the only thing that is keeping America from collapse?...

Wall Street

  Isn't it ironic, that Wall Street, that is the symbol of American capitalism, is the only thing that is keeping America from collapse? Despite the utter stupidity of the Obama administration, after 5 years of his guidance, the only good news, comes from the very sector that he and his far left loons hate the most, the Business sector! The only thing that has kept this country from a catastrophic financial collapse, comes from the very people, that the left loves to vilify the most!
  Even the far left fringes who put together the talking points of this administration, could never have anticipated this? The economy that they hoped to collapse, as a way to cripple America's financial prowess, winds up prospering, in spite of their best efforts! Their complete lack of understanding of the financial engine which drives this great country, was never more apparent, as by the companies they chose to in vest in! If they learned anything at all about how the free market works, they learned that you cannot make a company succeed, by the government investing in it, but rather, the investor must adapt to what the market will give? In other words, only a well managed company who's time has come, can produce profits for it's investors. The government cannot control the free markets, nor should they ever attempt to, because the Free Enterprise System, which is the engine that drives that great Republic, is an entity unto itself, and because of this, can not be controlled by anyone! Not by super rich investors, whether they be private, or government!
  Isn't it strange, that an administration, that set out to disprove a time honored fact like our economic strength is not what defines us, but rather, that an over sized government, bulging with expensive bureaucracies, is the way to prosperity, has in fact proven that it is the Free Market System of this Republic, that is the engine which drives the United States of America!  

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tested Truths: Pain

Tested Truths: Pain:   With pain, it's easy to focus, because it is all you can do, because when pain breaks through, it will include your full attention! I ...


  With pain, it's easy to focus, because it is all you can do, because when pain breaks through, it will include your full attention! I have been thinking a lot about pain lately, probably because I am having some? But for whatever the reason, this one has been coming on for some time now? I was going to write one at least 3 other times, but this one will be similar to those, this one will be what it is, but it will not be the ones that I didn't write? I know, I know…
  Once, a long time ago, I heard the term, The pain was exquisite? At that time, I thought to myself that it meant fancy? But the term has always stayed with me, and I use it from time to time myself! The point is, though I did not understand what it meant then, I do now.
  Pain is exquisite, because pain is perfect, it is like fine porcelain? It is pure, it is honest, it hides nothing, it just is! Pain will always get its way, because pain will demand it! Pain is born from trouble. Some kind of injury, physical or emotional, has been done to the body. Now a physical wound to the body, or traumatic hurts to our phyche', Pain shows us where it hurts! Whenever we encounter an injury of any kind, the body's first reaction, is to succumb to the chaos of the moment! When we hurt about something, we can become confused, as we are flooded with many thoughts and emotions!
  But pain breaks through all of the clutter, because out of the chaos, is born a simple truth? And Pain says, I am here now to put things to right! Focus on where I tell you, and I will point, right to the problem at hand!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tested Truths: I'm Back

Tested Truths: I'm Back:   What if I were God of this world? Not of everything mind you, but just of this world? What would I do?   In my world, it would make perfe...

I'm Back

  What if I were God of this world? Not of everything mind you, but just of this world? What would I do?
  In my world, it would make perfect sense, and some might even call it justice? That Kathleen Sebelius  would get gang raped by a pack of aging silver backed apes? But fortunately for her, I'm not?
  She claims to be some kind of matriarch, but of what kind of kingdom? Certainly not of God! For this one is the queen of abortion for convenience? And if that weren't enough proof, she just added an apparent disdain for ten year old girls?