Most of you know, that I am not a fan of our current administration, and it's apparent lack of respect for our Constitution specifically, and our country's affinity for the democratic way of life. No other administration in our history has had such an negative impact on our freedoms and our way of life, as does this one! But how is it possible, that they can pull off this bloodless coup? To lay it all at the feet of the President would be unfair, as the ground work for this started while Barack was still in short pants. I first noticed the change when my youngest daughter came home from her first year in college, spouting what we saw as nothing more then a stupid politically correct point of view. Which I and the rest of the family took as being quite funny, and she was teased without mercy about her learned views, which is the way that my family has always treated such foolishness! Fast forward to today, and something far more sinister is obvious. Recently, I attended my grand daughter's music recital at her school around the time of Christmas. My wife and I attended, expecting a holiday fare? What we got instead, was a frightening look into the indoctrination of all the children! Now we didn't expect to hear Silent Night, but perhaps some more a generic presentation of the season, including, Jingle Bells, and non religious songs and plays along that line? What we got, is what they call, Diversity training?
The children sang songs about bullying, spoke prepared poems about the many different types of people, and the whole production was based on a, We are the world type mentality? In addition, the hallways and offices were devoid of any holiday decorations, not a paper snowflake or snowman could be found? Instead, the halls were filled with PC posters warning about bullying. Others spoke of the acceptable meals, while still others spoke of the virtue of obedience! Obedience is a good thing, except when it talks about obedience to the State! After the reality of what I was seeing dawned on me, I decided to walk in the halls, and see if possibly the art class had made some Satas' dreadles and the like?
But the more I investigated, the worse things got! I would describe the school as sterile, in that the posters that were hung about, were put up in a way in which the political party of your choice would have been proud!
Lately, in the news they tell us about six year olds being suspended for making their fingers look like a gun, and saying bang? This is only the continuation of the lunacy that started in our Universities, but has now set that agenda for the very small and impressionable!
You can look at this and say to yourself, that it is just a sign of our times, and just accept it? Or, you can see it for what it really is, and work to put a stop to it! What is Political Correctness? It's a cover phrase for an agenda, which doesn't really care about childish teasing or anything at all to do with children. But what it does intend is an indoctrination of our children, so that when they become adults, they will embrace the party line, and they will do so obediently!
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