Any of you who read my last post, know that what I had intended to write, was a post explaining some of the book of Revelation. But this will take too much time, as the visions and symbolisms described there are difficult to interpret! This book, although written by John, are actually the revelations of Jesus Christ! The book is steeped in Prophecy, and in it, the End of this age, and the things that must happen before, during, and after, are explained in detail! But, because of the incredible depths of this literature, and the simple fact, that most of you wouldn't understand it anyway, I have decided to not do the study. Again, the primary reason for not doing this, is because time is of the essence, as we move ever closer to the precipice!
To simplify it, I think it best, that I use the Biblical passages, to show you by the current goings on, what they really mean? Now many of you will dismiss this on political grounds, thinking to yourself, These are just the rantings of a far right Bible thumper, and that's OK! In fact, I am not far right, but rather, dead center, although I have been known to thump a bible every now and then!
First, I should tell you, that I have not come to what I am about to tell you lightly? In fact, I have been considering this very thing for quite some time! This is not just a knee jerk reaction to Barack's latest power grab? It is far more serious then that!
To understand the end time, you must first understand, that we are on a cosmic clock. It is a clock that only God can wind! Some of you, probably, most of you, have heard the term, Anti Christ? He is a real person, and he walks among us now! Though all of the prophecies have not yet come to pass in this life, they are also ancient history? Meaning, that in the scheme of eternity, it has all already come to pass!
Barack Obama is nothing but a tool. A powerful tool, because he basks in the power which you gave him!
But he is not him, it doesn't fit prophecy! The bible tells us, that the anti Christ will come from the land of ancient Magog. That ancient land is in current day Russia. There are other aspects, that also fall into place, all of which point to Vladmir Putin, as he fits the bill, more completely then any before him. And here is the other thing, which is very important to consider? He is precisely in the right point in history!
Do you remember when Barack and Vlad were caught on an open mike? Do you remember what Obama whispered? His job is to deliver the United States of America, lock stock and barrel!
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