Monday, May 30, 2022


   The horror that occurred recently at a Texas elementary school was pure evil. The Devil who is evil, hates when his real self is scene so obviously. He is usually quite the pretty boy, and can take any shape or body. It was once said in heaven that Satan was the most beautiful of all the angels, and so get the red pajamas and the pitchfork right out of your mind. Being spirit, you cannot see him of course, only the aftermath of the horror he orchestrated. The scene looked as would he, if he could be seen as that once pretty angel looks now. Now. he would look as someone ugly, nasty, and only wanting death. Of course, admitting to yourself that ultimate good exists, so does the flip side of the coin. Ultimate evil, is something that makes us uncomfortable, something we'd rather ignore. So we ignore the spiritual implications, and go straight to our religion, politics. 

  But still the question persists, and people will ask, How can God allow this, and why didn't he stop it? God being outside of time, sees things from an eternal perspective, we, of course, are limited to the here and now. God knows what was, what is, and what will be. Does His heart break for those families? Of course. But the ground work was  already in place, the demon who took control of the murderer had left tell tale signs of a twisted mind, whose calls for help were not heeded. Reality was far from him, and watching the carnage unfold in reality was for him, much like the shoot em up video games he so loved. Insane? of course, all cold blooded murder is. And yet, we as a country are trying to decide at what point can we kill the lives of even younger children than those in Texas. God gave us over to our self absorbed and debased minds. In reality, until the day God takes it back, the devil is the king of this world, it is his.  

  Free will, remember? It was by our will that we sat quietly while they removed school prayer from our schools back in the sixties. It will be that same apathetic non caring attitude, that will allow them to eliminate the pledge of allegiance to our nation from our schools next. We sat in silence during last summer's riots as they torn down the statues of our history, we even sat idly by as a granite monument of God's ten commandments was ripped from it's moorings! Think God might be a little offended at that? Our money says, In God We Trust. What happened? 

 And now evil focusses on its real desire, our children. They plan to divide them by race, and turn them all into sexual perverts. And We have the nerve to ask why God allows tragedy? Strangely, thats the same question He asks you..     

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