Monday, April 8, 2019


  When all else fails, we will rip the horses' eye. Jim Morrison. Never did understand that one. 

  Like everything else, thoughts swirl in your mind. You choose which one to pluck from the swirling winds. Look at it for a bit, and think to yourself, this one seems interesting. But then you spot the trail of another subject on the inside of the storm, and near the center of the eye of the storm. And so you toss the one aside that you had just been thinking of, and look now only at this new one you've plucked from the clouds. 

  And so it was, but thankfully, is no more. Woke up real early this morning, and I thought about catching that worm, but as it turns out, that worm was turning. People speak of their head's spinning, but what is really reeling is their minds. But here's the thing, too many thoughts left untended, (sorted), will interfere with even the most mundane of muscle memory and daily rituals, like making a cup of coffee. 

  Making a cup of coffee, thats simple enough right? Well, .. usually. When you mind is spinning without a point of focus and a stable base, making coffee can become quite the challenge. 

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