Thursday, March 23, 2017

The First Step

  The biggest threat to our nation and to all of the free people of the world, is socialism and all it's forms. In short, socialism means central control. On the surface it seems attractive as it promises equality for all. What it proposes is that is that all of our needs would be provided by the government. In America this central government would be located in Washington DC,  in the case of the new world order of globalism, the location of the government could be anywhere. In a way, whether you believe in Heaven or think of it only as a mythical place, heaven could be used as a way to understand why socialism looks so promising as a form of government. In heaven, all but God are truly equal, with socialism, all but the elitists ruling class are equal. Both promise to supply all of our needs, and in heaven's case, an eternity of total peace and happiness. Of course in Heaven, God would be the ruler and the provider, where as with socialism it would be people who would lead and have complete control. Therein lies the danger. Virtually all the tyrants and brutal regimes throughout history could never have existed if not allowed by the people to be ruled. Here in the United States of America, our form of government is called a Democratic Republic, and what it provides is that no one person or source of power can rule, as, We the People rule ourselves rule ourselves. Capitalism is wrongly conflated with the government, but it is only the economic engine that powers our Republic. Capitalism in and of itself is in large part why this still young nation has become so powerful so fast, is that capitalism that stirs the drive toward entrepreneurship and invention. As much as you hear the left whine about the abuses of capitalism, they have a good understanding of it as most of the wealthiest among us our liberals politically. One of the biggest problems with socialism and it's big brother communism, is that there is no incentive to create and work hard to achieve your dreams. With those types of government, the more you make the more they take as a way to pay for what the government supplies. The only truly wealthy people with those forms of government are the ruling class and those who are already wealthy. This new global initiative, this drive towards a one world government will be in the form of socialism. In fact, socialism and globalism are synonymous and are one in the same. No matter what side of the political fence you are on, one thing we all agree on is that this country is far too powerful to be taken over militarily by anyone. If we are to fall, we will fall from within. Just like ancient Rome, the first step is to lose our morality as a people, and most already know that we have become morally bankrupt. Common sense is non existent it would seem, and we have replaced commonly held morals with political correctness. For me, the biggest story nationally was the rise of an openly admitted socialist. If the fix hadn't have been in place for Hillary's anointing, one cannot help but wonder how close Bernie would have come to being the Democratic nominee? Lately we hear a lot about Russia's attempt at destabilizing our political system, and the very fact that we are accusing each other is more than the old USSR could ever have hoped for. Spreading doubt is their business. Hitler, and a new word, Hitlerism is now also become part of our national conversation. People call each other facists while few understand what it is. Facism is the means used to keep people in line in a lockstep mentality, it is not a form of government, but a means of enforcing that government. Hitler didn't start as a Nazi, but as the head of the German Socialist worker's party, and as for Russia, they were and will be again if Vladmir Putin has his way, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. This socialist/globalist utopia so wanted by the left must be rejected in all of it's forms. The question yet to be answered is whether the party of JFK and the old line Democratic party will become that party again, or are they to become a new party called, the Democratic Socialist party. Certainly the party I knew and supported has made a hard left turn, but if they are to survive, they must cast off the politics of division and meet the rest of us in the middle of the road.  

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