You are due some good news for a change, and I think that I may have found some? I waited and I watched, as did most concerned citizens. But I think that it might be safe now, now that all the bigshots have had their say. But let me tell you how the people saw it. Because it really doesn't matter how the politicians spin it, because in the long run, it is we the people who decide!
Racism is on it's last legs in this country, despite what you might have heard. At long last, that light at the end of the tunnel is coming into view, and it is the light of a brand new day! The Sterling comment had all of the ingredients to explode nationally, but it didn't! In fact, I think it's safe to say that America took it all in stride! Now the race baitors will still be selling their wares, afterall, it is how they make their living. But the people said no to them this time, and refused to get sucked in! Strange alliances were made, and many of the people who you thought would be mad, weren't? Now you hear things like hypocricy, or you will hear that it was just Christian forgiveness, but those are things for the politicians to make hay of.
But for us, the man and woman of the street, we don't care what the reasons were, all we care about is that something that very easily could have devided us further, didn't! We have come a long way America, and there is still work to be done, but take the time to pat each other on the back, because we have matured and grown as a nation. We proved, that when the politicians get out of the way, and just follow our lead, that this country will do just fine!
And we are healing America, no matter what they say!
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