Saturday, September 7, 2013


  It all makes sense to me now, as I believe that I have finally figured it out? This obsession with eternity, had to have come from my fascination with time?
  If you were to look at your life from an eternal point of view, rather then on the short term day to day fare, then your perspective on life would be much different! Because the things of the spiritual realm are eternal, few pay it any mind at all? They don't think about what they can't see.
  That is the foolishness of man, because they have no knowledge of the eternal! They study the present, know little about the past, and nothing of the future!
  If you understood the power of time, then you have scratched the surface when it comes to understanding who God is? Because God is more powerful then time, and so he is unaffected by it.
God is outside of time! He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end! He cannot be measured by time, He has always been! In many ways, God is time?
  But here's the thing, when thinking in terms of the eternal? The problems of this life will begin to be less and less important. Of course you can't walk around with your head in the clouds all the time. But what you can do, is when you have your quiet time after the work a day tasks are complete. Instead of  dwelling on what it was that went on in the day's business, consider the eternal. Because in the things that are eternal, is where you will find God!

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