Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hard Truth

  So what did our latest brush with all out war teach us? Do you think that we have averted it for now? We have, but only for awhile. If you don't understand all of this, you are to be forgiven, because not many do! All of this turmoil in the middle east, stems from nothing new, as this fight has been going on for centuries. The reality is that this is not political, nor it has nothing to do with oil! This fight is over religion, and Lord knows how I hate that word! Man's first attempt at religion was done when we all spoke one language, and we agreed as one people to build a tower high enough to reach God? Man has been building them ever since! That is what religion really is, man's understanding on how to reach God, put down as laws and doctrines. The problem is, because all religions come from man, they are flawed! The one thing that all are right about, is the only thing that they all agree on, and that is that there is only one true God! Even the eastern religions with their many gods and goddesses acknowledge one more powerful and above all!
  It is in the name of these religions that millions have died over the centuries, and it is because of this and other  inconsistencies, that many no longer believe. If you were to ask most people in this country what religion they were, they would tell you, Christian. But in reality, they don't really understand what they claim to believe? But this is true in any religion, because what most people really are is secular. Secular is to be a certain religion in name only, without really understanding it! In this respect, Most Christians and Jews are no different then their Muslim brothers and sisters!
  So how then are we to make sense of this? Well, there is only one true God, on that we can all agree. But what is his name? He has many names, and you can call him in a name that you are most comfortable with. For me, it is the name he called himself," I am that I am!"
  OK, so we all believe in one God, the problem is still, how do we get to him? Those who know God, know that he is Holy! To be holy is to be pure. So how can a pure perfect God come into contact with a bunch of scheming sinful beings like us? The answer is that we can't! In reality, we do need that tower, a link between a Holy God and sinful mankind. That is where the Messiah comes in, for only he can save sinful man from the holy wrath of God. Jesus is the only way! Jesus came to this world as the answer, a savior to all, not just to the Christian and the Jew, but to everyone!
  But there in lies the problem? According to their scripture, a devout Muslim must kill the infidel, and the infidel as the radicals see it, is anyone who accepts Jesus. This must be settled in a final war, and that is just the hard truth of it! This is what is really going on in the middle east.

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