By design, I had arranged my TV so that I had the Mets/Dodger game on one channel, and CNN's coverage of the Democratic debate on the other. All I need do is hit my "last" button so that I could switch during commercials, and try to catch them both. I thought about setting up the PIP button, but it didn't end well the last time I tried it? But then, you might say that I thought better of it, thinking to myself that the whole process would wind up a frustrating waste of time. Both the media and the candidates having been already forewarned, that Hillary was to be treated with kid gloves. The die having been cast, how interesting could it be? My only real interest anyway, was to see how main line Democrats were dealing with the reality of being so closely knit to the Socialist party. Surely the lines between the two had become blurred, so much so, that when Chris Matthew's asked Debbie Shultz with tongue in cheek, what the difference was between a socialist and a Democrat, she looked dumbfounded, stammered for an answer, and then quickly changed the subject? Surely, under the leadership of Barrack Obama, the party has lurched so far left, that there is little difference. Is there a difference anymore, and is Bernie Sanders the only one brave enough to cast off the the semantics, and not need names like liberal and progressive anymore? Saying in essence, if it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, it's probably a duck. What difference is there anymore? It is a fair question. You have to love ole Bernie, at least he's honest, he believes that crap. Misguided as he is, he really believes that this time, we can get it right.
So anyway, I opted for the game only, and I'd see the highlights of the debates on the news. Afterall, the question as to whether the people want a centralized rule and believe that an elite class must lead the people, and this for the people's own good. If the people understand what the candidate offers, and still want that, then the people will decide by their vote. Whether they call it Socialism, or Just being a good Democrat the differences between the two parties, Republican and DEmocrat, have never been so clear. Choose a party who believes that a huge federal bureaucracy is the answer to everything, and that we would all be better off once we came to accept it, or, the other side, which believes that the people should rule, and definitely not a select few.
But still, knowing already their views and their base talking points, it is, a must watch to some extent. And even though it promised to be only slightly more entertaining then watching paint dry, I have watched some of it, therefor, completed my obligation as a Democrat and a citizen. By the way, the last I saw, the Mets were down three/one.
But to combat the boredom, I thought how to make it more interesting, and thought to myself, why not pretend to be Anderson Cooper, and have control over the event? Now, you must understand that no two men could be more different, and I don't mean just in our political bent. We are so different on so many fronts, suffice it to say that we are of a different pedigree. But, this is just pretend, and so why not have a little fun? Instead of the normal, boring, good ole boy politics, so let's have some real fun. So you have to imagine, that I am now Anderson Cooper. And in my best Anderson Cooper voice I say, Good evening America, and thank you for joining us on this, the first of the Democratic debates for the presidency. The candidates are on stage, and ready, we're ready, the people in the audience and all of you at home are ready, so, Let's do this! First question. Americans are rightly very worried about the goings on in the middle east, and the threat of terrorism from that region coming here. The question on many American's mind is, Whose idea was it to blame the deaths of four brave Americans in our Benghazi embassy, on some obscure video, and when did you first know that it was a lie?
Now I know what your thinking, and no, the real Anderson Cooper would never ask such a thing Why it would be considered just bad form, besides, he isn't allowed. I told you we were nothing alike, but still it was nice to pretend.
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