There is power in the sky, you can see it if you know what to look for. Today in my sky, it was one of those days, a perfect sky, filled with bulbous white clouds, a panoramic view of beauty from horizon to horizon. These billowing white clouds almost completely filled the sky, its crystal blue color shining through as patches of blue in a white sky. Across the larger holes of blue, smaller puff clouds raced across the opening, only to get caught up in the larger cloud in front of it. But the shear mass of this clouded sky was not the only reason it demanded attention, but also in the messages it brings. Messages that were important enough to warrant such a spectacular display. The only slight mar on this sight, was the fact that these perfect white clouds had a touch of grey at the bottoms, and it could warn of rain? A stupid consideration really, as it was a hot day and the rain would feel good.
Even though these roiling cloud fronts were individuals, and each rose thousands of feet in the air, they were joined in enough places to give the look of one giant cloud rather then many.
But the real beauty of it was, that it was reversed of the usual look, as the sky was white with clouds, and only patches of blue shone through. And as it moved over head, I asked of it, where is it that you have just come from, where is it that you have been? It answered me and said, I have come from where I have been, and I am going to where I have been many times before. For I have been there many times, as I have come and went from there, since the beginning of what you call time. And, as this great mosaic moved slowly across the sky overhead, it looked like a fantastic jig saw puzzle with still missing pieces.
It is not as strange as you might think to talk to clouds and animals, because there is wisdom in them, and wisdom is power. The American Indians spoke of life in this way, they would speak of power with what they studied in the natural world, and the power was wisdom.
But the clouds continued to speak to me saying, I have been here from the beginning, myself and my ancestors have traveled these same routes for eons. We travel as does everything, we spin like the universes and planets, we go around in small and larger circles, returning to where we started in the amount of time necessary by the size of our orbit. You see, in life, everything moves in circles, all life, no matter how big or how small must live by this law. My life, your life, all life, is symmetrical., what weather I bring, I have brought before, and will bring again. Though you look to me as being free, I too have an appointed route in this life that I must live out till the end. As for me another said, I move across the sky at a pace set by others, picking up dampness for rain which I will release further up along my route, and I will dump it, precisely at the alloted time. I, we, are ageless, always circling, and spinning, only to come back around again.
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