Barack Obama got his nuclear deal with Iran. The fact that he had to give away the farm to get it, is unimportant, what was important, was just to say that they had one. Because, as has become the norm with this administration, politics will trump the good of the people every time.
Even the most wild eyed liberals admit that Iran is the biggest provider for the terrorists. Most of the horrendous acts we have all witnessed are sponsored by Iran. It is Iran who supports them financially, and by supplying weapons and training. Vermin like Isis and Boca Horan need money to operate, and Iran is always willing. More so now, as this deal returns hundreds of billions of dollars to them. It is so bizarre, in that, we will be providing some of the monies they will need to eradicate us. But no matter though, because with just a slight of hand, and some semantical changes, the administration made terrorist Iran and nuclear Iran, as if they were separate entities? They are excellent conjurers of words, a skill Barack no doubt got from his father.
We used to have a hard and fast rule in this country, that we don't negotiate with terrorists, but by separating the vermin from the well dressed gentlemen at the conference table, the president was able to skirt yet another law. As with any deal, even one as bad as this one, there has to be a certain amount of mutual trust, but trusting Iran and it's fanatical leaders is foolish at best. But the gentlemen sitting around the nuclear conference table sipping tea, and the blood thirsty lunatics who rape murder and maim in the name of their god are one and the same. So what has actually happened here, is that the administration has made a deal with the devil, all for political gain.
Speaking of the devil, there is a spiritual side to this political struggle, that is more important then the actual events themselves. It doesn't matter whether you are "not a religious person", because no one, no matter their beliefs, or lack thereof, can escape this spiritual warfare, an ancient war, that has spilled out now in plain view in this, our present time. Just as different in the physical world are the United States from Iran, so too are the differences between the two controlling spirits who war with each other. One, cuts off heads, rapes and tortures women, and crucifies children. While the other teaches of love and offers peace of mind for eternity. So now, the prospect of hands covered in blood, and fingers made filthy from death will be poised over the doomsday button, and this reality looms in the not too distant future. Perhaps now, if his father were still alive to see it, Barack has finally seen his father's dream become closer to fulfillment, and perhaps it was today, that he finally made his father proud?
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