The cold hard steel of our sabers have yet to have tasted blood, our defense is only something we discuss. A one world system of government, united over economics, united on climate change? The loosing of a national point of view, for us now, the collective, instead of the individual, spawns a mentality, that can not tolerate free speech.
In our country, the mood is isolationism. Afterall, if we are one world, then let the world solve it. The enemy is not ours to name, it is somebody else's problem. A world united on the idea, that all the nation members can profit equally. One agreement, one religion, or a world at war?
You can look to history as a way to understand the apathy and the fear, and you can try to force the eagle to become an ostrich. You can hide from it, you can whimper in a corner, but you can not stop what time has mandated. The time may have already come and went, but we have not yet missed the boat.
Not our problem you say? We are a nation who was spawned on the gospel, a Christian nation, a nation who looks now to turn a blind eye to the horror now being done to our brethren, world wide. A war on Christians has become so trivulized, as to be only a war against Santa Clause at Christmas time. Fools! These men of evil slaughter us in lands we call over there, but soon these minions of the evil one, will bring all of the horror home to roost.
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