I could take the time to explain to you, just how much trouble you are really in, but I'm sure that you don't want to hear that.
But here's the thing, I don't give a damn about your stupid politics, for it is only a game for fools, says the Lord. Indeed, how much time should he waste explaining to you the differences between the two ideologies, as it has never been so obvious in our history, the choice that is, then it is right now. The choice that you are about to make in these coming elections have not been this important for a very long time. How much time must be wasted explaining something so obvious, so simple, that every day men and women already see it? We have had more then enough of politics as usual. We look for a new way, a way where the people's voice is actually listened to. We grow tired of your back room deals, your slap on the shoulders, all done with a wink and a nod. But I will tell you this, if you should cast the truth of what's obvious off again, if you should choose to have more of what you already have, then maybe you truly are as stupid as they say? And if you are, and you choose wrong again, then you deserve every thing you are about to get!
But Father is close, closer then he has ever been. What he still does, is what he has always done, just as he has always done before. Still he nocks, each day a new day, each day another opportunity, each day, yet another chance. His concerns are not of the things of this life, but of life eternal. All he asks, is for an agreement, an understanding, a common purpose, and nothing more.
Father draws so near so that all who have ears will hear. The urgency is that the time of this calling is drawing short, and the time draws very near where he will call you no more. I too will tell you that you are fast running out of time. The billboards along the highways of life, are already scheduled to come down. Know this, when the last name is entered of those who are to come, then the Book of the Lamb will be closed, and you will no longer hear that gentle knock at the gates of your life any more. For by your choice, your name was not entered, and you will hear the closing of that book sounding in your ears, for the rest of your days. Choose life, because as of now, the book is still open!
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