Just a quick note to all my brothers and sisters out there, who, like me, love this great country! We are not a white and a black America, nor are we a gay and straight America. What we are, that is what we are supposed to be, is the United States of America, key word "united." Now you can be forgiven, if you still think we are that divided, especially now, as the gay community whines the loudest, but they like any other minority would ring the victim bell the loudest? Hey gay people, get over yourselves, we are all Bozos on this bus!
Bible factoid: Christian's don't care if you are gay or not, because just like everybody else, their dealing with their own sins. Remember, Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven. And in a wider sense, that being from non believers, you've had nothing but roses thrown at your feet, as they are anxious to to not look at your sin, just as long as you reciprocate, and promise to to not look at theirs. Non believers out weigh believers by about a three to one margin, so let me ask you, What have you got to worry about?
Now, the real purpose for this visit, A word about Barack Obama. I have no problem with him on a personal level, in fact, in that respect, he looks like a fun guy. Sit and have a beer with him? Sure, why not? As a Christian, my opinion of him, comes from a place, not of confrontation and back room politics, but from a place of understanding and eternal forgiveness!
But here's the gist of it in a short and sweet way. In many ways, no, check that, in the biggest of ways, as it pertains to the history of our great and still young nation. What he represented was the fulfillment of the greatest of Dr. King's dreams, and for this, we as a nation, had every reason to step back, pat ourselves on the back, and say, Yes, we are what our founders intended us to be, we believe, because we were founded as a country of laws, and so, in another way, you might have thought that this was destiny, and that it had to happen.
Yes, the election of Barack Obama was a reason to rightly celebrate, as now, under his leadership, we could finally put racial strife and mistrust to bed forever. The fact that he turned out to be the most divisive president, looking always to divide rather then unite, is a problem for all of us, because we are, the United States of America. Why was he such a dismal failure, is the stuff of other stories.
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