Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tested Truths: The Crying Squirrel

Tested Truths: The Crying Squirrel:   Just outside my door, there is this crying squirrel, he cries in squirleeze, but if you were to hear it, you too might agree, that it soun...

The Crying Squirrel

  Just outside my door, there is this crying squirrel, he cries in squirleeze, but if you were to hear it, you too might agree, that it sounds as if he is singing the blues? Yesterday, he cried out from the right side, while this morning, he cried out from the left.
  He cries out a warning, he tells of hard times ahead. The birds in the trees sit and listen while others fly in. They listen, and then they fly off, crying out the message in their way.
  But we the people, we of the human kind, we do not listen, and so we do not understand? Missions and schemes are being played out all around us. The nations like chess men are being moved on a giant board. History is unfolding before our eyes, there is a time of much trouble ahead. But people will not consider it, as it fills them with dread!
  So outside in the wilderness, the animals know, they speak it out clearly, this time of peace is near end. But the people won't listen, because they have hardly the time? It is the pace of life you see, that they think they can make no time to consider. But there is real danger ahead, and you can no longer deny the signs.
  Freedoms are being challenged, more fall by the wayside each day. It is concession done in small parts, one small point after another. But who is it that is offended? More often then not, it is the offended who is really the offender! But it has worked to a large degree, many people already feel themselves stifled! So afraid to offend, but offend who, and how real is that concern? But if the subject leaves you afraid to speak, then you have already been affected.
  Never fear words, for it is words that make up thought!
   So all of this poetic stuff is fine, but what is the point of the poem? You are giving up your freedom America, you are being weakened from within! But also that you had better wake up fast, because there are real problems ahead!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Tested Truths: Prince Charles

Tested Truths: Prince Charles:   I wonder how Prince Charles feels about America? Apparently he doesn't think much of capitalism? But capitalism is what drives this na...

Prince Charles

  I wonder how Prince Charles feels about America? Apparently he doesn't think much of capitalism? But capitalism is what drives this nation, so you might say that it was capitalism's engines that delivered the war machines that our young men brought with them, when we went over there to drag your asses out of two wars! You might not say that, but I would. You don't like capitalism, how do you feel about the monarchy? Hell man, you might say that you have a whole farm full of public paid for cows on whose tits you suck. You don't like capitalism? I'm not wild about the monarchy! Sorry to get all American on you, but Im uncouth, maybe I got to streetsey on you? Sorry.
  But I can't help wondering how the left feels about this? Or in the wider sense, how the Democratic party feels about it for that matter? They must be in a real quandry? They hate capitalism, but they also hate great wealth? Does the dislike for people with great wealth extend overseas also? Maybe not, because most of them worship our brand of royalty, for us it's Hollywood, they come complete with their own red carpet! Does anyone know if the occupy Wall Streeters have an English chapter? And if they do, who do they hate, the Royal Family? It's very confusing on the left!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tested Truths: Ego has it's price

Tested Truths: Ego has it's price:   I am tempted to make this about the inner workings of the church. First, let me make this clear, the church is not a building, nor is it a...

Ego has it's price

  I am tempted to make this about the inner workings of the church. First, let me make this clear, the church is not a building, nor is it any one denomination, but rather it is a body of world wide believers! And this body of believers is made up of people from all faiths, and all walks of life. And yes, many do come from the Muslim faith. Not as many as would like to, but still they come! That courage, that desire! These new Christians showed amazing faith, because for them, such a decision really does risk life and limb! But even here, to announce that you are a true believer, takes tremendous courage, for me, Kirsten Powers comes to mind, congratulations Kirsten, now that took guts! Oh and don't expect a call from the president any time soon?
  Often, those who come from the Muslim faith, come first as an intellectual curiosity, they are educated, and they can well understand the teachings within the bible. That is the aspect of the Christian faith that brought them to want to know more, intellectualism. Once they agree in their mind about the reality of Jesus, the epiphany is never far behind! But also, because they know the poetry of the faith they just came from, they are gifted in a way that others are not!
  Now this isn't at all what I had in mind when I started this, because I had intended to write about the schism that exists now within the Christian community, but then thought better of it? For the schism that I am talking about, has been with us from the beginning, but to understand it, you must understand the deeper meanings of faith. Most of you could not understand it, but not because you are stupid, but because you are ignorant, there is a difference. For those of you who read me with any regularity might remember, a few posts back, I gave the parable about coming into a strange room alone? That one explains the ignorance I'm talking about.
  In order to have any chance at all of truly understanding these deeper things of faith, you must comply with the only commandment that the Lord gave us the first time he was here? And that is, You must be born again. He didn't say, you might want to consider it, he said you must! So again, the first thing to do, is to decide to do it, you choose to do it, it is an intellectual decision. Why do you think the vocal atheists try so hard to make fun of it? It's because there is no logical defense against it! They, that is, the smartest among them, have figured out that they are wrong, and the only thing keeping them from admitting it, is not for some intellectual high ground, but because they would have to admit they are wrong, and secondly, they'd be drummed out of the club? Afterall, ego has it's price!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Tested Truths: DNA

Tested Truths: DNA:   Its funny how life goes? Sometimes even chance encounters have lessons. While out with Max, where else would I be other then out with Max,...


  Its funny how life goes? Sometimes even chance encounters have lessons. While out with Max, where else would I be other then out with Max, we came upon the same two ladies who for some reason insist that they should be able to talk with me, while they have their male dog with them? Sure enough, the two went about trying to kill each other, only their owners pulling them away! But why is that, why can't they just get along? The short answer is because it is just the natural order of things.
  Male dogs, as with their human counterparts, will more often fight over the ladies then for any other reason. Now in this case, there wasn't even a female dog around, but still the boys gave it a go, but why? Because the other male is a threat to them, because they are the competition for the fairer sex. This is something that is deep within our DNA, and even the evolutionists will agree on this. The desire to procreate, to make little copies of ourselves is part of the natural order of life, and it is one of our most basic instincts. Of course we humans with our complex brains have to get it all tangled up with the sex act itself. But dogs have no such problems, because often for them, the act itself is not all that pleasurable, and still, it is something that they must do! In fact, if you have ever been around dogs or any animal while getting ready to mate, there are often bare teeth and bad intentions, call it doggie foreplay? But again, like it or not, it is something that they must do. And if you are a male dog, it is only natural to want to fight with the other guy, especially when the prize might be that pretty little thing you saw just last week at the Dog Park!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tested Truths: Going Fast

Tested Truths: Going Fast:   The simplest of luxuries of life have evaded me! Do you know that I can't even buy a book on line? Sure, I can go to a brick and morta...

Going Fast

  The simplest of luxuries of life have evaded me! Do you know that I can't even buy a book on line? Sure, I can go to a brick and mortar store, but why isn't the ease of internet ordering afforded me?
  But it is out of my control,so I guess I'll have to let it go? But still I can't help wondering why, and who it is that made this decision, and by what right? This is sounding like one of those newspaper help columns? Dear Frustrated, and so on.. But what does it matter really, there are bigger fish to fry! Things go on, life goes on, it is relentless! Each day a new problem, sometimes there just seems to be no end to trouble?
  But better days are coming, days that will last forever and a day! Imagine it, each day better then the one before it, and this forever? Forever and a day, what does it mean? Eternity, time without time, no consequences, no problems, no worries, forever! Sound good? You know, you can have it too, and I believe that there are still a few tickets left? But hurry! Hurry because they are going fast!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tested Truths: The truth about the truth

Tested Truths: The truth about the truth:   But what is to become of a country, who is content with believing lies? What is to become of its people, when for them, the truth no longe...

The truth about the truth

  But what is to become of a country, who is content with believing lies? What is to become of its people, when for them, the truth no longer matters? Is it then for them to become what they believe?
The truth about the truth is that most people fear it. Because the truth leaves no cover, and it is naked to the world! Exposed, open, honest, and innocent. The last is the hardest part, because that is what scares them the most, being innocent. Why, what does it mean to be innocent? I'll give you an example.
  Suppose that you come into a room, and the room is full of people already, and they are all in the middle of a conversation? A conversation on something that you know little about? So as you come into that room, another way to put it, is that you are ignorant of the situation? You don't know what the subject was, but also, what the opinions are of any of the people in the room. That is innocence, because you have no knowledge of what the discussion was about, nor do you know the opinion of those who were already in the room. To be innocent is to have no knowledge.
  So, back to the subject at hand, and that subject is the truth. People fear the truth because it exposes their honest opinions. But also they fear the truth, because to be innocent is to be without knowledge, and because of this, the truth makes them feel ignorant, and no one wants to be ignorant! But the truth is an equal opportunity offender, and the truth will get you, because it can flat out run you down!
The thing is, that you can believe a lie out of ignorance, but you can well tell when you lie! Because in the long run, even schemes done for good, are still a scheme, and to scheme is to lie.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

How to Create Google Hangouts On Air: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create Google Hangouts On Air: A Step-by-Step Guide Apparently, with Google, you need to download Apps to be able to do things that are just a click away on places like FB and Twitter? This is not meant to be a criticism, but it would be nice if they made things like this a little more obvious. Still, Google is a protector of free speech, and in my book, that makes them the best! Hopefully, for the rest of you dummys like me, this will be helpful!

Tested Truths: Whatever is to become of Murphy?

Tested Truths: Whatever is to become of Murphy?:   He hadn't been doing to well as of late, because he had been thought of as odd, out of touch and ostracized, and certainly different f...

Whatever is to become of Murphy?

  He hadn't been doing to well as of late, because he had been thought of as odd, out of touch and ostracized, and certainly different from the rest. But he got some great news just the other day, from none other than the highest law enforcement official of the land. The Attorney General, has just reinforced what he has believed all along. That racism in this country is alive and well! What could his friends say about him now? Surely they would have to admit that it was he who was right all along, and that it had been them who had been blind?
  It had become very confusing for ole Murph these last few years, as he was made to feel more alone then ever before. But not now, now he can point to the Attorney General and say, You see, I was right all along! Because Eric Holder agrees with me, and he above everyone else should know what is true.
  Now in reality, Murphy didn't really care for the man, but he thought that if he was ever to meet him, that he would give him a great big bear hug! Afterall, if the Attorney General agreed with his point of view, why should he be made to hold his tongue and lie about his feelings? Especially now with all this talk about truth. He could justify his speech and opinions as being in sync with the highest officials in the land!
  As long as those who are in power are right, and America is inherently racist, why should he not be honest about it? Afterall he thought, surely those who were born into a different race or nationality then he, must think of him in the same way that he thinks of them? So go right ahead he tells people, be who you are and be proud of it. Don't be afraid to call a black man a nigger and a Jew a kike. Call an Italian a wop, and speak about Polish people as if they were dumb. Because wouldn't you just be being honest? And if you don't believe me he would say, go ahead and ask Eric Holder about it!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Tested Truths: Making a crooked road straight

Tested Truths: Making a crooked road straight:   Someone once said, that politics is life. A strange statement to make, strange maybe, but when you stop and think about it, it's true!...

Making a crooked road straight

  Someone once said, that politics is life. A strange statement to make, strange maybe, but when you stop and think about it, it's true! In our day to day lives, each of us does a fair amount of politicin! In our daily conversations, just by trying to get the other guy to understand and hopefully agree with your point of view, is the very thing that politics is made out of. A way to have a conversation, and talk things through. But sadly for us, our current governing body has lost sight of that. And why is that? Because the stakes have become too high, and we have become polarized by the extremes!
  The country has gone too far left for too long! So far left, that we may all need bus passes to find our way back to the middle? On Wall Street, they call what is needed, a market correction. This correction becomes necessary when there is too much buying, and for too much selling. To solve the one you need more of the other. Because wild highs and lows are bad. It is stability that investors want, because with stability comes peace of mind!
  It is the same with government, too much of one side and not enough of the other is always a bad thing. So how do we go about achieving the stability that will bring this peace of mind? What's needed is a course correction, and to have any hope of bringing us back to the middle, is to pull the country hard right!
  Now you might well ask yourself, Why should we listen to one of those bible thumping Christians? Well, though I am a Christian, I have never actually thumped a bible, but I have drummed on one? Yeah, I sometimes practice my rudiments on it, like paradiddles, flamity flah flahs, and swiss triplets! But seriously people, we need to right this ship, and the faster the better! Because of where we are, still with the two party system, like it or not, that means voting Republican. But here's the thing, there is always the possibility of an over correction, meaning that we missed the mark again, and have gone too far to the right? But the beauty of this thing is that it only is necessary for the short term. Once the country is wrested from the radicals from both sides, and the control is back with the people where it should be, then we can fine tune things, and kick out all the bums from both sides! Without extreme elements controlling us, we will be able to think clearer, and we'll rid ourselves of all those stoggy old career politicians from both sides! I'm for term limits, how about you? We can do these type of changes easily, once they come to respect us again. consider us. We the People have the power! We have always had it, but we gave it away to a bunch of fools and thieves, who far too often are caught with their hands in the cookie jar! But we must change too, we can no longer take things as just politics as usual, and we must hold those who we put into office accountable. Get involved and know why you vote!  Know what you believe and why, and then vote that way!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tested Truths: Freedom Tower

Tested Truths: Freedom Tower:   They opened the museum today, one that commemorates a moment in our history that none of us who lived through will ever forget. Each of us...

Freedom Tower

  They opened the museum today, one that commemorates a moment in our history that none of us who lived through will ever forget. Each of us shared all kinds of feelings. A helpless feeling, one that made us sad and empty. Shock and confusion gave way to fear, and fear soon became anger, and for some, that anger became rage! An anger made worse by the frustration that came with the realization that we could do nothing to release those feelings. We demanded justice, but could not realize it, because the enemy, who hates everything about us is a coward, and like all cowards, they will not face us one to one. They look first to divide by spewing vile and evil words! Given the chance, they will kill you in your sleep, and then go slinking off, back into the shadows where the cockroaches and vermin live.
  But they were unable to achieve their real goals, which was not just to blow up a building, but to divide us, and fill us with fear! What they got instead, even while the buildings still smoldered, was that they awakened the sleeping giant!
  The American people rose up, united as one, by actions and words that restored hope! Words that  put action in our words, which made us feel that though there was little we could do, at least we were doing something? They said to the maniacs, We will require justice, and that, You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists! For about two glorious weeks, people put flags on their houses, their cars also showed proudly American flags and bumper stickers! Patriotism was no longer considered corny but cool! And we have built another tower, a tower called Freedom, and it is a monument meant to honor the fallen, but also to take note of the tenacity of our people!
  But sadly, thoughts and actions like this, have all but disappeared, and we are becoming what the terrorists wanted us to be all along? A wedge has been driven between us, one more powerful then the bombing and the murders carried out by maniacs. It is an ideology meant first to divide us, and pit one against another. An ideology whose real goal is to take away our freedom with words more powerful then bombs! Maybe it's true? Maybe the pen truly is mightier then the sword!

Tested Truths: Why Lord?

Tested Truths: Why Lord?:   So here we all are again, back in the courtroom that is? We had left off where 'He' had asked a question of the prosecutor, and to...

Why Lord?

  So here we all are again, back in the courtroom that is? We had left off where 'He' had asked a question of the prosecutor, and to that question she answered, No, and sat back down behind her desk. After she spoke it,
The Three closed their eyes, tilting their heads so that their chins sat on their chests as if asleep? Behind them. The Light became a grayish white, like fog. But unlike fog, in that it appeared to be frozen?
  The voice of the caller rang out again and said, Bring in the accusers!  Yes, my Lord the guard said, and opened another great door. This door had wrought iron in the places that the doors to the courtroom  have copper and brass.
  About six people filed into the courtroom, one behind the other. They followed the guard, and sat as he instructed them to. They sat in a separate gated area. With this, the prosecutor and the defender busied themselves with the files that sat in front of them. And the caller cried out again saying, Bring on the first witness and have him be seated in the witness chair. Again the guard complied and  aided the first man who sat nearest the gate. Getting him out and toward the witness chair. He was a large man. Not overly heavy, but clearly very uncomfortable in his cloths! As he rose from his chair, he fidgeted at his cloths, appearing to have some nervous tics? Still brushing at his cloths and preening as he moved, he stumbled a bit as he first stepped away from his chair? He had the look of a very nervous man, and his spectacles didn't sit right on his face, slipping to one side of his face as he walked. Watch your step the guard said. What?? Oh, oh yes yes said the man, the step?

Tested Truths: Eternal Death

Tested Truths: Eternal Death:   For those of you who were in our little tour group yesterday, who do not know the Lord, nor what was said in the parable, I will try to ca...

Eternal Death

  For those of you who were in our little tour group yesterday, who do not know the Lord, nor what was said in the parable, I will try to catch you up? And then by this understanding, you may have a better chance of understanding what is to follow? But again, for you to truly understand it, and to understand the deeper meanings which are a part of it, to understand these things, you must become that dreaded of all titles, you must be a born again believer. Why is this so? Doesn't it make sense to you, that only family members understand what it is that goes on in that family? But first, you must accept that this is personal? Meaning, that it has a direct affect on your life too! Once you agree that it is personal, that is the first step to true understanding.
  The significance of the trial, is that it is about the only thing that will cause God to turn his back on you. What is this sin that the Lord cannot forgive? Blasphemy. Now of blasphemy, there are two types. One is done out of ignorance, and our buddy Bill suffers from this one? And the second one, the one that is immediately deadly, is blasphemy in full knowledge, in other words, blasphemy by choice. But neither type of blasphemy will be tolerated by God, even for those who are totally ignorant of the precepts of God. Because for each one who is ignorant about the things of God, at some point they will all come to know and understand that they were in error, and from this knowledge, understand that they are blasphemers. Now once those who were ignorant of their offense come to understand what it is that they have done, they must repent of this most grievous of all sin! But, here comes free will again, because they now have a choice? They can choose to do, as they say today, and double down on their ignorance, at which point they are placed into the second type of blasphemy. And the penalty when guilty of blasphemy? The sentence is eternal death!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Tested Truths: The Trial

Tested Truths: The Trial:   Let me take you on an imaginary journey? One of sight, that is as the mind will see it, but without the accompaniment of anything of real ...

The Trial

  Let me take you on an imaginary journey? One of sight, that is as the mind will see it, but without the accompaniment of anything of real substance? You'll just have to be content to let your mind run free!
  The scene is a trial in Heaven, one that is being played out in the reality of real time, but also one that is from a past time, and yet another which has yet to occur. It is a lot to follow, but impossible if you are not a solid Christian. Otherwise, this will make no sense to you at all?
  We come upon the great oaken doors which lead to the chamber. The doors are old, but still straight and heavy, solid oak, lions heads chiseled into the face. The ornate handles are made of copper which has turned a dirty green with time and weather. The latches, plates and locking mechanisms are made from solid brass, and the doors are magnificent! As we push on the right door, the old door creaks, sending an echo across the ceiling of the Great Courtroom. No matter though, as the audience is still settling into their seats. At the front, beyond the railings, on one side sat the prosecutor, and on the other side, the defender. Three judges sit atop a great podium, oak also, but inlaid with gold and finely placed jewels of every color. And the chairs on which they sat were more like thrones, and they sat high above the rest of the courtroom. Behind them was what looks like a translucent light of some sort, and this light was always in motion. And the light.. Shh, the proceedings are about to begin...
From somewhere in the courtroom, a voice said, Madam Chairwoman, you may begin. We will show many witnesses, who have seen this man do many strange things. Surely he is unstable at best, he has very little regard for the law, surely he must be a blasphemer! The defender spoke and said, Madam Chairwoman, what charge do you make, insanity, a criminal, or a blasphemer? From the bench, the three spoke in one voice and said, Do you charge blasphemy Prosecutor? And when they spoke, the soft colored lights became a blinding flash of white light! The trial had begun.  

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Tested Truths: They just don't get it

Tested Truths: They just don't get it:   This is precisely why I try not to watch the news anymore, because it can make me so mad! You can get tired of being angry real quick, so ...

They just don't get it

  This is precisely why I try not to watch the news anymore, because it can make me so mad! You can get tired of being angry real quick, so let's just say that I am sick of it. This latest one, the one that triggered this, showed ole blood and guts Nancy Pelosi was at it again. Their blood, her guts? Now I'm quite sure that all of you, no matter your choice for the news, will get to see this one. Even MSNBC will air this one, albeit for different reasons?
  In this one, Nancy puts on her most concerned mommy face and tells the nation about how we should just move on because those poor families hardly want this horror brought back to mind! And the left will nod in agreement, and say in their condescending way, Move along folks, there is nothing to see here!
But what if Nance was the mother of one of these boys? Would she as a military mom say, Yeah, it's OK, I don't care that my son died for a lie? No, of course not, because military families know it better then the rest of us. Honor that is, the kind of honor that says, Yes, choose me, I will go, and I will give my life if need be, and I am ready and willing to defend sweet freedom!
  Honor, something that Nancy Pelosi and others like her know little of, it is just something that doesn't make sense to them? If you were to take the whole lot of them, and fill them with LSD, and then ask of them a simple question, What would it take, under what circumstances, would you be willing to die for your country? The sad part is, all of them, every mother loving son or daughter of them, couldn't think of one good reason? Honor, they just don't get it!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tested Truths: The Letter 'A'

Tested Truths: The Letter 'A':   Just now, while having my morning cup of stimulant, it occurred to me that Science had indeed found God! When thy stumbled across the bina...

The Letter 'A'

  Just now, while having my morning cup of stimulant, it occurred to me that Science had indeed found God! When thy stumbled across the binary system some years ago, what they discovered was the simplicity of God's math. Two numbers, a zero and a one. I know a little of how it works, though I have never really studied it at all? When I first got out of high school, I attended a business school, which taught computer programming and systems analyst courses. I learned the basic stuff, to operate the different card machines, and a program called RPG. Also, Cobol and BAL assembler. But I digress? I'll give you an example of how it works, at least from my vast experience with it? There are 12 bites to a bit, spelled byte I believe? Anyway, four on top, and eight on the bottom. To form the letter 'A', the top of the four and the top of the eight would change from a zero to a one. That's it, simple right?
  There is, and never has been, a reason why science and faith cannot come together! Global warming? If some of the scientists want to waste their time arguing from either side of that ledger, let them! But follow the physicists who are looking into the deeper things of life. Because this is what they all find once their difficult analysis and am algorithms are complete. The answer is infinity, and infinity is God!
Now whether they accept their findings and admit that they have found God, or they reject it, leaving their equation unanswered, and be content to leave infinity only as the unknown?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tested Truths: Take a bow America,

Tested Truths: Take a bow America,:   You are due some good news for a change, and I think that I may have found some? I waited and I watched, as did most concerned citizens. B...

Take a bow America,

  You are due some good news for a change, and I think that I may have found some? I waited and I watched, as did most concerned citizens. But I think that it might be safe now, now that all the bigshots have had their say. But let me tell you how the people saw it. Because it really doesn't matter how the politicians spin it, because in the long run, it is we the people who decide!
  Racism is on it's last legs in this country, despite what you might have heard. At long last, that light at the end of the tunnel is coming into view, and it is the light of a brand new day! The Sterling comment had all of the ingredients to explode nationally, but it didn't! In fact, I think it's safe to say that America took it all in stride! Now the race baitors will still be selling their wares, afterall, it is how they make their living. But the people said no to them this time, and refused to get sucked in! Strange alliances were made, and many of the people who you thought would be mad, weren't? Now you hear things like hypocricy, or you will hear that it was just Christian forgiveness, but those are things for the politicians to make hay of.
But for us, the man and woman of the street, we don't care what the reasons were, all we care about is that something that very easily could have devided us further, didn't! We have come a long way America, and there is still work to be done, but take the time to pat each other on the back, because we have matured and grown as a nation. We proved, that when the politicians get out of the way, and just follow our lead, that this country will do just fine!
And we are healing America, no matter what they say!

Paul Parrot

  It is said that birds of a feather flock together, but not so with Paul? He was from the Tunisian Parrots, though some say that he hailed from the jungles of Viet Nam? His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parrot, had gotten used to only seeing their son on family occasions. When Paul would fly off, they rarely knew where he was at all? You see, from a very early age, some say as early as elementary school, Paul would rarely play with the other parrots, but seemed to enjoy playing with other birds, birds that were not like him. Early on, Paul would play mostly with the Crows, a bird that was loud and annoying to most, more so for the older birds then the young. But even his parrot friends didn't understand why he would choose those annoying birds, rather then to choose to hang out with them?
  But it was to become a set way of his life, and even now, long after grade school, Paul would often choose birds who were different then himself. But now, now that he is older, and Paul is an accomplished flyer, Paul's desire to investigate birds and exotic places which were far different from his home and the birds of his own kind only increased. You might say that Paul marched to the beat of a different drummer, but of course that wouldn't make sense, because very few birds of any kind play the drums. It would be more correct to say about Paul, that he was a bird who couldn't care less about another's feathers. He just looked to be around birds who said and did interesting things, and because of this, Paul has had many fine adventures, but also, no small amount of trouble? The trouble would come when those birds who were different from himself, resented his being around! This was especially true if Paul was to take an interest in the girl birds of whatever group he was in. Then, the boy birds of that group would sometimes get so mad that they would look to fight with him? Now it wasn't that Paul was a chicken, afterall, he was a parrot, but he really wasn't afraid either. But he rarely fought, in fact, there was only the one time, at least so far as Paul could remember? But life was too good to fight and dwell on negative things, and more often then not, when a fight seemed to be imminent, Paul would just say goodbye to his new friends, and fly off.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tested Truths: A Conspiracy So Immense

Tested Truths: A Conspiracy So Immense:   If I had the power to do now what I will be able to do soon, I would have traveled to the deepest part of the Grand Canyon, and let go a m...

A Conspiracy So Immense

  If I had the power to do now what I will be able to do soon, I would have traveled to the deepest part of the Grand Canyon, and let go a mighty roar! Man, I am so angry! But as it is, I had to stifle it, just outside my door?
  America, where are you? Will you allow them to slip slide away again? The Democrats are beginning to rally around their man, but for what? Politics? Just politics as usual this ain't! But I have no personal beef with the guy. It isn't that he's black and white, and it even isn't that he has Muslim blood running through his veins, but it's because he is a bad president! America, if you just poof this off as politics as usual, you will be making a terrible mistake! Because this is not an agenda based strictly on the mistakes of Benghazi, although it could be. Did you not see his shirtless body, his head bouncing as they dragged his corpse across the linoleum? Did you not know that the two Navy Seals who held a blood thirsty mob at bay for seven hours were of the same stripe as the ones who killed Osama Bin Laden?
  But this goes far deeper then even that, this, a conspiracy so immense! For the root base of this ideology is Socialism. The administration's policies, whether by design or by ignorance, is designed to weaken the country. But it is more then just militarily, but is also monetarily. Why do you think that Keystone isn't approved yet? Just to placate some rich environmental wackos? No! It's about money! For a new system of government is to be installed, they must first cause the existing one to be in chaos! A troubled government can be managed much easier then a stable one, and that is just a fact.
But the reason that liberal, progressive Democrats are so terrified, is because they know how bad a shape the country is really in, and they are afraid that by admitting that, that they will become irrelevant? But they will never become irrelavant, because they still have an important point of view, and should always be part of any healthy discourse. They will remain an integral part of American politics, but maybe if they thought of it like the recent Kentucky Derby, they have just bet on the wrong horse!
  Demand justice America, because if you don't take a stand by honoring those who fight for your freedom, and if you don't think that by denying this that you deny your own honor, then by all means, vote for those who know nothing of honor, and you may just loose your country, it is that serious!
Oh, and consider this? Under a socialist/communist regime, Christianity will be outlawed, as will the Jewish faith, because there is nothing more scary to a socialist, then a free thinker, one who will not conform in lockstep! Sound too extreme? It's your choice America, and you can still say so at the ballot box!    

Monday, May 5, 2014

Tested Truths: The Obvious Thing

Tested Truths: The Obvious Thing:   So now here it is, the third in a series. We have been talking about Heaven, and how it will be. But what about us, how will our bodies be...

The Obvious Thing

  So now here it is, the third in a series. We have been talking about Heaven, and how it will be. But what about us, how will our bodies be? Body is a relative term when you are speaking about the spirit. The Bible speaks of our bodies as this body of death? Meaning that it ages from birth, as it moves steadily to only one conclusion, and that is that it will die!
So then, how will we look in heaven, what will our physical appearance be? The only mention of this eternal body, and how it is different from our current one, is touched on in the book of Acts. After the third day, Jesus is seen and spoken to by many. So in some of the instances, Jesus walks and talks with others, and they realize no real difference accept maybe the scars on his hands and feet? Then there were other times when it was thought that he had come through walls, because he was there in the room with them, and then suddenly he was gone, and more often then not, they were not even sure whether he had actually been among them at all? That is the way of the spirit, and that is the way that we too will be. Unlike now, our new bodies will be weightless, and they will go wherever they please, sort of like smoke. For instance, if your spiritual self wants to go off and get a close up look at Saturn, we will be simply able to just be there in a moment of thought, sent only by the desire of our spirit!
  Now the obvious thing to conclude from all of this, that is, from your perspective and your interpretation, is that I have never really seen heaven myself, at least not in this physical form. So then, if you choose to believe in our eternal God, and by this allow for your own eternal self, understand that these new bodies are perfect! There is no blindness, no one is lame or deaf, and that there is no sickness at all! All of those things will be just unpleasant memories from this life, and that there is no place for them in the realm of eternal life!

Tested Truths: Bet Your Boots

Tested Truths: Bet Your Boots:   So I thought about doing another political joust, but I thought better of it I suppose? How about a few on Heaven? Now I broached the subj...

Bet Your Boots

  So I thought about doing another political joust, but I thought better of it I suppose? How about a few on Heaven? Now I broached the subject yesterday, when I made my lack of food chain remark? But let's continue on that train of thought, and consider a little further about the things of Heaven, shall we?
  Yesterday, I was at a feast with family and friends! We were there to celebrate two of my grandkids first communion. Surely a reason to party! But anyway, it made me think of the food chain remark. As it turns out, there will be unending feasts, toasts, and general merriment, and this will go on all of the time, 24/7! But as to whether you choose to attend or not from time to time, is entirely up to you. But where will all the food for the feasts come from if no animals are to be killed? Jesus has said, That man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God! And also, didn't he feed the thousands with a few fish and some leftover bread? Feasts in Heaven? You can bet your boots!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Tested Truths: Down to the Bone

Tested Truths: Down to the Bone:   Temperate times ahead, it is Heaven that awaits you! A place of unimagined joy, a place free from all worry! Eternal joy forever and a day...

Down to the Bone

  Temperate times ahead, it is Heaven that awaits you! A place of unimagined joy, a place free from all worry! Eternal joy forever and a day! But what of this place called heaven, what will it look like? Well Bunky, I hate to break it to you, but you're looking at it! Heaven is a real place, a land just like this one, in fact, exactly like it!
  Now God has promised a new heaven and a new earth, but what did he mean by that? Is it to be a whole new place, a place that you could have never imagined? In short, would it be a land so strange, so different that we would not recognize it, to the point of feeling out of place and uncomfortable? No! It will be a place exactly like this, the only difference would be that it would be free from sin!
Set apart only in an ideology based in truth and justice. A place where there is no reason for law anymore, free from any encumbrance. Joy, happiness, freedom true right down to the bone!
But OK you say, that is all of the spiritual nature,  but will there be changes in the physical also? Yes, there will be no mosquitoes! There will be no parasites, because there will no longer be a food chain. All life, being forever linked and living in perfect peace and harmony. Living with God forever and again, Living with our Creator, our Father, our God! And living this way, forever and a day!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Tested Truths: Good or Evil

Tested Truths: Good or Evil:   Whats going on, I mean really, whats going on? Weather is cyclical, we all know that, but the severity of the storms, so many lives! Is th...

Good or Evil

  Whats going on, I mean really, whats going on? Weather is cyclical, we all know that, but the severity of the storms, so many lives! Is this just another go round of death and destruction, or is it only the earth purging itself of us?
  And what about the man made storms, the kind that spread death and destruction in a personal way? What of war, what of the impending doom? The two sides are being drawn up friends, and there are only two sides! It is simple really, as are all things with God, There is truth and there is lies, there is good, and there is evil. The two sides have many names, but in reality, both sides boil down to a choice?
The choice is for you to choose, truth or not, to let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no, to be honest! The choice to be honest means to choose the hard road, lieing is easy, truth is hard! But be honest with yourself first, know what you believe and why, and then choose. Truth or lies, right or wrong, good or evil?

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tested Truths: Politics as Usual

Tested Truths: Politics as Usual:   So its come down to this? Man it feels good to say that again? Politics as usual? Hardly, because this goes way beyond any regular politic...

Politics as Usual

  So its come down to this? Man it feels good to say that again? Politics as usual? Hardly, because this goes way beyond any regular politics that I've ever seen! So now what? Do we sweep Benghazi back under the carpet? I mean, What will it take? Pick a scandal, any scandal, IRS, the government spying on American reporters and going into their parents emails, what will it take?
  Its time for any Democrat who has any hope of being elected, to call it quits! But let's take Benghazi as it is back in the news. And let's compare it to the obvious, The Nixon Whitehouse and Watergate, and the OBama Whitehouse and Benghazi? The only real difference between the two is the severity of the event! In the one, four Americans were murdered, two of which fought a pitched gun battle for seven hours before finally succumbing! But lets take them as equal events?
How long did it take the Republicans to finally give in, and admit that their guy really was a crook? So now its the Democrats turn. How long will they be willing to protect this lie? Because, Congressmen and Senators, your voters await your decision!