Someone once said, that politics is life. A strange statement to make, strange maybe, but when you stop and think about it, it's true! In our day to day lives, each of us does a fair amount of politicin! In our daily conversations, just by trying to get the other guy to understand and hopefully agree with your point of view, is the very thing that politics is made out of. A way to have a conversation, and talk things through. But sadly for us, our current governing body has lost sight of that. And why is that? Because the stakes have become too high, and we have become polarized by the extremes!
The country has gone too far left for too long! So far left, that we may all need bus passes to find our way back to the middle? On Wall Street, they call what is needed, a market correction. This correction becomes necessary when there is too much buying, and for too much selling. To solve the one you need more of the other. Because wild highs and lows are bad. It is stability that investors want, because with stability comes peace of mind!
It is the same with government, too much of one side and not enough of the other is always a bad thing. So how do we go about achieving the stability that will bring this peace of mind? What's needed is a course correction, and to have any hope of bringing us back to the middle, is to pull the country hard right!
Now you might well ask yourself, Why should we listen to one of those bible thumping Christians? Well, though I am a Christian, I have never actually thumped a bible, but I have drummed on one? Yeah, I sometimes practice my rudiments on it, like paradiddles, flamity flah flahs, and swiss triplets! But seriously people, we need to right this ship, and the faster the better! Because of where we are, still with the two party system, like it or not, that means voting Republican. But here's the thing, there is always the possibility of an over correction, meaning that we missed the mark again, and have gone too far to the right? But the beauty of this thing is that it only is necessary for the short term. Once the country is wrested from the radicals from both sides, and the control is back with the people where it should be, then we can fine tune things, and kick out all the bums from both sides! Without extreme elements controlling us, we will be able to think clearer, and we'll rid ourselves of all those stoggy old career politicians from both sides! I'm for term limits, how about you? We can do these type of changes easily, once they come to respect us again. consider us. We the People have the power! We have always had it, but we gave it away to a bunch of fools and thieves, who far too often are caught with their hands in the cookie jar! But we must change too, we can no longer take things as just politics as usual, and we must hold those who we put into office accountable. Get involved and know why you vote! Know what you believe and why, and then vote that way!
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