Monday, March 31, 2014

Tested Truths: Mr. Koolaid Crashes Through

Tested Truths: Mr. Koolaid Crashes Through:   "I've had all I can stands, I can't stands no more"!, Popeye.   But O' Reilly's at it again? Cha chink, a coupl...

Mr. Koolaid Crashes Through

  "I've had all I can stands, I can't stands no more"!, Popeye.
  But O' Reilly's at it again? Cha chink, a couple of hundred thousand more goes into the coffers! Misrepresenting Jesus and the Christian faith is big money! But to his credit, my man claims that the proceeds from the book goes to charity. Very white of him, as the man is already a millionaire, and the only thing that might make him a little short are his alimony payments?
  But Bill's the big man on campus, just ask him, and he'll tell you all about it? But being number one on the number one cable news channel is no big thing, as any of the other hour shows, given the coveted 8 and 11 spot would all do the same if not better. Now I've been really trying to get any thought of this moron out of my mind, I no longer watch the show, but then I run into him this morning on Imus's show on Fox business? He's got another book to sell with some real insight into Jesus' last moments, and it promises to be riveting, and chock full of stupidity! A try at comedy no doubt? By the way Bernie, you weren't far off! Oh, and while I'm at it, I might as well get this one done also? But for those of you who are reading this, and don't watch Fox for your news, Why not? It is, as Mr. O' Reilly's show proves, far from perfect, but it is still the only place to go to get the truth about current events. But back to slim pickens here? No wait, one more point about the celebrated Mr. O and Fox. The guy cost me to lose a bet a while back? It happened when he, O Reilly, interviewed President
O Bama during half time at the Super Bowl. Here I'm trying to convince some of my liberal friends to watch Fox because they are fair and balanced, and my man tells the president that most of America hates him? Not once, but twice, almost spitting out the word the second time! Thanks Bill, you cost me $50. bucks?
  In his defense, Mr. O Reilly is more of a showman, then a journalist, and he understands the game well. To bolster his show, he got rid of the snake oil salesman, talking about body language, and has replaced them with things like, Water's world, Dennis Miller on Wednesdays, and Gutfeld and McQuirk on Fridays. So the man knows what sells, you have to give him that! But he has only a limited knowledge of what really drives the stories of the day, but understands the sleazy side of politics like no other. The problem for him, is that he strays from the hard news into things of the spirit, and of this, he has no understanding at all! The problem for Bill, is that his ego knows no bounds, and he believes that he knows more then anybody else about almost anything, just ask him?
 But he backs up his claim that his knowledge about Jesus and his last days is accurate from his claim in the 60 minutes interview, where he stated, that Jesus stood at the foot of his bed? And to that I would ask just one question? Hey Bill, was Jesus sitting on a pink elephant?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tested Truths: This one's personal,

Tested Truths: This one's personal,:   I cried out to my God, and I asked him why? What is it that you want from me, what is it that I must do that I haven't, and why will y...

This one's personal,

  I cried out to my God, and I asked him why? What is it that you want from me, what is it that I must do that I haven't, and why will you not release the financial blessing? It is you who is orchestrating it, because it is far too complex a plan for it to be anyone else. You didn't have to do it yourself even, because you allowed free will to have it's way. Just a tweak here or a nudge there, and the people involved go about doing exactly what they were supposed to do. So you did nothing directly, you just allowed it to happen. I know, my thoughts are not your thoughts and all, but I wish you would go about reversing things, and end my financial woes!
  Pardon the interruption, though you probably sensed no change at all? But this part is many hours from the first part? The beginning is from the morning, where this part is being written tonight, while my Youtube post plays in the background. I really put it up, just to drown out the noise and the distractions? But I think that for now, that prayer is better left unfinished? So anyway, I am finally going to do something just for me, for me, and me alone! I think that I deserve a break, even though so many others disagree. But I'm still not where I want to be yet, and I hope that another shoe doesn't drop? Road block after road block was placed in my way, but I have made it this far, and come hell or high water, I am going to see this through! It's such a small thing really, having nothing to do with my bigger problems. But it has become important to me, as at least this once, I want to have my plans work out, something has got to go my way? The larger things? I've given up trying to break free of this electronic box, so that I can go about earning a living. Ultimately, it is God who decides whether or not I prosper, and up to this point, he has decided that I should not? But hope springs eternal! I have asked others to help me and give me a hand up, but for whatever their reasons, they decided not to? But again, though they may well have made that decision to not help, they could do nothing to me that God does not allow, so in reality, it is him I should be pissed at? But as you might imagine, getting mad at God, never works out too well! Apparently, He has decided, to use the situations and the people involved, to test me to the breaking point! Sort of like a 21st century Job? But unlike Job, I have no livestock to kill, and thank God, all of my children are alive and well! For me, he has blessed me with a talent, and he made me a writer. And even though I have always done all that I knew how to do, to communicate what it is that he would have me say, still, he holds back the financial blessing? But as frustrating as that is, the thing that frustrates me the most, is the fact that no one ever comments on what it is that I write?
  I have no way of really knowing, how many people read my stuff? But I do know that there is a lot of it to read. With all of the articles, posts, short stories, paragraphs and comments that I have written over the years, you would think that some one would have broken through whatever filters they have on me, and commented on something? Can you see how frustrating something like that would be?
Frustrated, confused, lonely and broke! Whata ya think, do you think I'm due for a break?


Friday, March 21, 2014

Tested Truths: Waiting for Death

Tested Truths: Waiting for Death:   There is a line in a song that sort of sparked this one? Although whether or not this one goes out with that song, remains to be seen? It ...

Waiting for Death

  There is a line in a song that sort of sparked this one? Although whether or not this one goes out with that song, remains to be seen? It depends on the length you see, there is less room to write on Youtube.
  So anyway, have you ever felt like Jesus? I know that I have, but I also know that so have all of you! Now before you go running of with all kinds of thoughts as to what you would do if you were God, consider the other side of that subject? Persecution, something not quite so desirable, but that is what we all share with Jesus! Everyone, no matter who they are, has felt persecuted to some degree. All, even the King and Queen of your high school prom, have felt what it's like to be persecuted!
But Jesus was the first to be persecuted for his faith, persecuted to death that is. But Jesus is always the first, in fact the bible often talks of him as the first. There a lot of bible passages that allude to that.
But now him being the first turned out real bad! When you consider what went on at the cross, then you will understand that for Jesus, the easiest time was the time when he was finally left alone to die. Persecuted? These were his people, the Jewish people, Christ is acknowledged as a Rabbi, and yet they hated him! He withstood all of their taunting, and all of their hatred during the three years of his ministry. That's it, he taught for three years, and they crucified him for blasphemy! Do you think he understood persecution?
So at the cross, it was finally to end! The taunting and the beatings, the torture of that whip of nails! It finally stopped there on the cross, where finally he was alloted some dignity, the dignity to die in peace!

I'll give you a hint. The band's initials are, SD?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Tested Truths: No Limits

Tested Truths: No Limits:   God I love baseball! My Yankees are back on TV, and even though there is snow outside my window, there is Spring in my heart! But basebal...

No Limits

  God I love baseball! My Yankees are back on TV, and even though there is snow outside my window, there is Spring in my heart!
But baseball aside for now, because what I am really here for, is to talk to you about faith. My faith, the Christian faith! I could tell you about the others, but my knowledge of them is limited. But of Christianity, of this, I know a lot. It is in a way, God's love letter to mankind, because that is exactly what it is! It is an invitation from God the Father, to join him in eternity! Yes, God the Father, the one, the only, the Great I Am!
  But you must RSVP on this one, and there is only one way to do that! You must agree in your heart that the God man, Jesus Christ exists, and that you acknowledge, that it is exactly as he said, when he said, No one comes to the Father except through me! But it is an open request, and all are welcome! What name you call God is unimportant, and certainly, he doesn't care about your religion. You see, in the end, it is very clear? You either accept your limitations and call out to the Lord, or you don't, choosing instead to go it alone? But the invitation does have a time limit, but as yet, remains open! Open to even to the atheist, even though they are the hardest to convince. Because for them, they are their own god, and their arrogance knows no bounds!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tested Truths: Religion

Tested Truths: Religion:   Religion started at the Tower of Babel. That is when men built a tower, thinking that if they built it high enough that they could see and...


  Religion started at the Tower of Babel. That is when men built a tower, thinking that if they built it high enough that they could see and be able to talk to God? At that time, all who lived in the civilized world, spoke one language. But because of their intent, God scrambled their language. Imagine working as a brick mason on this tower, when all of a sudden the guy next to you began to speak in another language? That is where the term babbling came from. It was mankind's first attempt at reaching God by the strength of his own will, and it was the first religion. And we have been scrambled ever since, that is why there are so many religions. Religion is pleasing to man, because within each of us is a desire for structure, and so we made laws and statutes to guide us, without which there would be chaos and anarchy! As much as people resist it, deep down, we all desire discipline. That is why the fastest growing religion has become the religion of Islam. It offers very strict laws!
  The ancient Jews also had strict laws. All of their laws were based from The Ten Commandments as given to Moses. If you were to read the book of Leviticus, you would find that most all of their law was for common sense things. Laws that would guide them in maintaining their health, everyday problems, like the proper way to dispose of human waste from their camps and villages. Again, people need laws, because the laws do point to what is needed, what must be done to approach God, but they are only a guideline, a set standard for the perfection needed to approach a perfect God! To be perfect in the law is to be sinless, and no one person, except the person of Jesus Christ has ever been sinless. It is his perfection that we are to subscribe to, remembering always that we will fail, proving again just how much we need him! A Savior, a link to God! Jesus is that link, He is the tower, provided by God The Father, the very tower we looked to build so long ago, a true tower, a mighty tower, the tower to reach the living God! Only through him, by claiming his righteousness as our own, can we ever hope to approach a perfect pure God! Amen.  

Tested Truths: Order of Melchizedek

Tested Truths: Order of Melchizedek:   I have finally been freed from the question that has haunted me the most! That being, Who I am? Some of you might remember, that I posed t...

Tested Truths: Order of Melchizedek

Tested Truths: Order of Melchizedek:   I have finally been freed from the question that has haunted me the most! That being, Who I am? Some of you might remember, that I posed t...

Order of Melchizedek

  I have finally been freed from the question that has haunted me the most! That being, Who I am? Some of you might remember, that I posed that very question awhile back? And though it was meant tongue in cheek, it, like all humor had an element of truth to it.
  But it came to me in church this morning, that is to say, tonight, hours after the service. My Pastor was teaching from the book of Hebrews. But before we even got into it, there was a moment of comedy? It seems that there had been a problem with the printing of the day's program, as it had Pastor Chris teaching from the 14th chapter, and there isn't one? But anyway, in the teaching, he talked about the High Priests of the Order of Melchizedek. Priests who were steeped in the knowledge of the deeper things, but men none the less! The difference between the Priests of Melchizedek and Jesus Christ, was that Christ, though tempted in every way, did not sin! The priests though men like him, were just that, men. They gave into their temptations, and they were all sinners!
  But now that I have that clear in my mind, I can tell you what I meant? Surely you must have asked yourself, What question? Well, now that I do know who I am, I can speak freely! For awhile there, I was wandering if I might be him in some strange way? Now as you might imagine, a thought like that will knock anyone for a loop! But each time I would think that, I would always say to myself, Can you imagine an ego that big? I can assure you with all the sincereity I can muster, that I am not Him! and thank God for that! Because as John once said, there is one who comes after who is The Lamb of God! But this time, He comes back as The Lion!
  In my defense, I know things that I should have no way of knowing. I see through hypocrisy very quickly, and the mysteries of life are less mysterious every day! No, I am just a man, a type of him, but not him. But what I am, is a Priest in the Order of Melchizedek, just a man, a simple sinner, and to that I say, Halleluia!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tested Truths: Ford

Tested Truths: Ford:   My original plan was to start a rumor that would generate interest in Ford Motor Company via a false story about a faulty coffee maker, wh...


  My original plan was to start a rumor that would generate interest in Ford Motor Company via a false story about a faulty coffee maker, which made necessary the recall of that particular model. The problem would have been, that the self cleaning element of those coffee makers was faulty. The purpose being twofold, To have a little fun, and to see if by posting this story, that people would think about the company, possibly buying some stock, and driving up the price! And of course, I would have bought the stock in advance of story going out, so that I might make a few bucks!
But then I thought, Why make it a joke, why not approach it in a serious and constructive way? My thinking along these lines is based in my belief that people really do have power, and that they, in this case by their buying power might well shape American policy to some extent. Surely not as much as a single vote, but still, anything that we attack on a united basis may well indeed do just that.
The plan in buying stock is to buy from American companies, and by that, help in our financial recovery. And you can not get anymore American then Henry Ford! In respect for our buying as a block, that in this case, Ford bring home it's manufacturing, creating thousands of jobs! Obviously, things like tax incentives are needed, but beyond that, the unions must allow for a lower hourly rate for these new employees, coupled with an equitable benefits package. If they would allow this, it would be considered a good thing, and quite patriotic! They, the existing employees would have their current hourly rate, and their benefits package honored right up to that individual's death. Everything that they had negotiated for over the years would hold, for them, nothing would change! Of course, at first, the unions would cry foul. But the hope would be that they would take pride in having helped our ailing economy, understanding just how grateful these newly hired people would be? Afterall, they already have theirs, and it is guaranteed for life! But then you say, what do the shareholders have to do with this? The answer of course, is that if Ford fails to do the right thing by these people, then we all would become sellers rather then buyers. Power to the people! Sadly, the odds of something like this actually happening would be remote, but that power does exist! United, we are more powerful then any politician, but united is the key there, and sadly, Americans being united on anything these days is near impossible, as common sense and good will are in short supply.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tested Truths: Another Chance

Tested Truths: Another Chance:   It has come down to this, I am exactly at the point of time that I am supposed to be at. In my endless pursuit of finding a way to earn a ...

Another Chance

  It has come down to this, I am exactly at the point of time that I am supposed to be at. In my endless pursuit of finding a way to earn a living, an anchor was finally thrown me! And that, only after it too was challenged? It was a hard road to have traveled!
  But finally, a friend! To wit, I am proud to announce a new website! Which I hope you will do two things with, One, go to read it, and two, feel free to advertise on it. There is only a welcome letter there now, but soon there will be our first article! This one on addiction, one that is long overdue, and yet an article that is spot on time. It is as you will see, a self improvement site, and God willing, that is exactly what it will be.
  So come and join us, the first article, the one on addiction will be coming soon. Oh! The name? Dang my memory! Failure is not an is the name! You may have to type, Failures, with an S, but I assure you that it is there? Saw it with my own eyes! Hope to see you there real soon!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tested Truths: Winter's Last Gasp

Tested Truths: Winter's Last Gasp:   Sometimes the signs are obvious, and today was one of those days. Out walking near the lake, and the wind blowing across the lake, bit har...

Winter's Last Gasp

  Sometimes the signs are obvious, and today was one of those days. Out walking near the lake, and the wind blowing across the lake, bit hard on your face! That biting stinging feeling that you get when you face the wind straight on.
  But there in the bush, were tales of winter's last gasp. First, a Cardinal perched in the bush at the water's edge, and then a Robin! They stayed there together, just sitting in the branches. When as if on cue, they both flew away! Robin Red Breast and a Cardinal? Surely, springtime is near! It has been a long cold winter, a hard winter, and the change in the season is most welcome! This has been a hard cold winter in more ways then just the weather. It was the winter of our discontent, as we have many problems. There is a pall that has fallen over this great land, perhaps over the entire world?
But the world aside, surely we have enough problems at home. We have become a nation that is deeply divided. A nation angry, a nation confused, a nation afraid. Afraid because we have lost our way? Afraid because we no longer know who we are? We have lost our soul, and we must get it back quickly! If we are to survive as one nation, under God, then we must be united! Only as one people can we become again who it is that we truly are? And what we are is the greatest country in the world! Time to show your pride, time to get all patriotic, because in case you haven't noticed, the world is on fire, and the flames are headed this way!  

Monday, March 3, 2014

Tested Truths: Dime Bushi

Tested Truths: Dime Bushi:   Psst, hey America, you may have to stop dancin for a while, it seems a third world war lies off in the distance? So you might want to put ...

Dime Bushi

  Psst, hey America, you may have to stop dancin for a while, it seems a third world war lies off in the distance? So you might want to put down your toys, and pay close attention to this one? Do you want to understand it, are you curios as to how this could turn out? If you are, then your research is simple. Just Google the Second World War, and pay close attention to the stories about how Hitler came to invade Poland and Czechoslovakia! What you'll find if you can stomach the thought, is that the similarities are quite striking!
America, you can not wish this away, this is every bit as much a threat as is Iran and the rest of the Islamist extremists, the situation is that dire! But there is hope, and the hope lies in the people! Because unlike the German people, the Russian people are not isolated. The Russian people have access to the Internet, and so they can not be blinded from the truth! Remember that it is the government that we oppose, and not the people. In fact, I love the Russian people! My first serious girlfriend was a Russian, first generation off the boat! And she used to say to me, Dime Bushi, which I think means, Give me a kiss?