"I've had all I can stands, I can't stands no more"!, Popeye.
But O' Reilly's at it again? Cha chink, a couple of hundred thousand more goes into the coffers! Misrepresenting Jesus and the Christian faith is big money! But to his credit, my man claims that the proceeds from the book goes to charity. Very white of him, as the man is already a millionaire, and the only thing that might make him a little short are his alimony payments?
But Bill's the big man on campus, just ask him, and he'll tell you all about it? But being number one on the number one cable news channel is no big thing, as any of the other hour shows, given the coveted 8 and 11 spot would all do the same if not better. Now I've been really trying to get any thought of this moron out of my mind, I no longer watch the show, but then I run into him this morning on Imus's show on Fox business? He's got another book to sell with some real insight into Jesus' last moments, and it promises to be riveting, and chock full of stupidity! A try at comedy no doubt? By the way Bernie, you weren't far off! Oh, and while I'm at it, I might as well get this one done also? But for those of you who are reading this, and don't watch Fox for your news, Why not? It is, as Mr. O' Reilly's show proves, far from perfect, but it is still the only place to go to get the truth about current events. But back to slim pickens here? No wait, one more point about the celebrated Mr. O and Fox. The guy cost me to lose a bet a while back? It happened when he, O Reilly, interviewed President
O Bama during half time at the Super Bowl. Here I'm trying to convince some of my liberal friends to watch Fox because they are fair and balanced, and my man tells the president that most of America hates him? Not once, but twice, almost spitting out the word the second time! Thanks Bill, you cost me $50. bucks?
In his defense, Mr. O Reilly is more of a showman, then a journalist, and he understands the game well. To bolster his show, he got rid of the snake oil salesman, talking about body language, and has replaced them with things like, Water's world, Dennis Miller on Wednesdays, and Gutfeld and McQuirk on Fridays. So the man knows what sells, you have to give him that! But he has only a limited knowledge of what really drives the stories of the day, but understands the sleazy side of politics like no other. The problem for him, is that he strays from the hard news into things of the spirit, and of this, he has no understanding at all! The problem for Bill, is that his ego knows no bounds, and he believes that he knows more then anybody else about almost anything, just ask him?
But he backs up his claim that his knowledge about Jesus and his last days is accurate from his claim in the 60 minutes interview, where he stated, that Jesus stood at the foot of his bed? And to that I would ask just one question? Hey Bill, was Jesus sitting on a pink elephant?
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