Thursday, January 23, 2014


  So how do we make sense of it all? Here is where logic first asserts itself. But even logic can't reach the minds of those who cannot hear. It is a sad thing for those of us in the know, We feel sorry for those who will not hear it. How can I explain it, how can I put it into words so that you might understand? How do I explain the unexplainable? The bible tells us that spiritual truths are spiritually discerned. That means that spiritual truths are only understood by those who are spiritual. In other words, you must be part of the family, to understand, and be trusted with the secrets of that family. The truths of the bible are non-sense to the unbeliever, because he doesn't understand it, it is beyond his intellect.
  All truth and understanding comes from God, and so if you don't know God, how can you understand  it? Now anyone can do this, the families' gate is still held wide open! How do you do it, how can you be part of the family? Jesus explained it best, when he told it to Nicodemus a Pharisee. He said, You must be born again! Born into what is eternal life, born into the spiritual world, but born into the family of God!

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