Monday, September 30, 2013

Tested Truths: Agnosticism

Tested Truths: Agnosticism:   I have an apology to make, and though I am apologizing for a private email, what I said in it, I wanted to keep it as limited as I could. ...


  I have an apology to make, and though I am apologizing for a private email, what I said in it, I wanted to keep it as limited as I could. I was having an attack of what the Bible calls righteous anger! This after listening to Mr. Oreilly's comments on Imus's show, talking about his new book, Killing Jesus. I layed into the celebrated Mr. O pretty harshly! Again, though it was written in a private email, that is, if there is such a thing anymore? I will apologize publicly!
  I have read some of the comments from Christian's on I believe it was The Blaze?, and they were pretty tough! Cut him some slack guys, after all, isn't he just one of the majority? Pray for Mr. Oreilly that he comes to know the truth, because the man has a mighty platform! But you must not judge him, at least not yet. For you will sit in judgement of these soon enough!
  What agnostics fail to understand, is that they too have a religion, and that religion is themselves. They see themselves as little gods, in that, it is their belief that they will decide if God is real or not? They are fools, but unfortunately, they are also the majority.
  For the record, for those of you who have no knowledge of the Bible, what Mr. Oreilly did, is to question the validity of the Gospels! And that my friends is blasphemy, no matter your religion!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Tested Truths: IF

Tested Truths: IF:   Ten minutes can seem like a long time when you are waiting in line, but how long would these same ten minutes seem, if they were being cou...


  Ten minutes can seem like a long time when you are waiting in line, but how long would these same ten minutes seem, if they were being counted down to your appointed death? The answer of course is that it is relative to your situation. If you are waiting in a doctor's office, ten minutes can seem like an eternity, but if the gallows outside the jail have been built for you, those ten minutes for you, could not be slow enough!
  Certainly if you could control time, then the ten spent at the doctor's office would go whisker quick, while the time spent waiting to die, would take an eternity! But if the soul is indeed eternal, and it is, then because you are eternal, you already possess the power to control time. The problem isn't that you can't, the problem is that you won't! All that is lacking is your belief. You either believe by faith that life is eternal, or you don't? Do you see that this example is no different then the one with the gallows? In essence, what you have faith in, is who you are.
  If you believe that life is limited only to this time, then for you, that is all that will be. But if you believe that life is eternal, then it is only natural, that you will be drawn to the source of that life. To have faith is to know beyond all doubt, no human emotion is stronger then faith!
  What is the power of faith? It is by faith that you see God! Do you believe this? What is the power of faith, and where does it come from? The power of faith is in the knowing, a knowing that is beyond all doubt! But here's the part that should really keep you up at night? What if by faith, you believe that God is exactly who he says that he is, and by some quirk of fate, after you die, you are nothing more then plant food, will you have lost anything in this life?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tested Truths: Young Man

Tested Truths: Young Man:   What does it take to become a man? How will you know young man when your time has come? How will you know when you are no longer a boy, bu...

Young Man

  What does it take to become a man? How will you know young man when your time has come? How will you know when you are no longer a boy, but a man? What does it take, how will you know if you have the right stuff, or do you think that it happens simply by a change in your age? How will you become confident in who you are, comfortable in your own skin? In other words, what kind of man will you become, will you be cool? What is cool, what is it that makes you think to yourself, Yea, I'm cool, I got this thing covered?
  Do you know what the coolest thing in the world is? It is to be smart! There are many types of smart, and it comes on many levels. You can know a little about a lot of things, or a lot about a little, it really doesn't matter which, but strive always to be smart! There is nothing cooler then to be smart. Smart is always way cooler then dumb. Young man, I challenge you to be smart!
  OK you say, but how do I get smart? Tis a fine question lad, and if you'll listen, I will show you the way. Look always to what is true, because in truth is wisdom, and to be wise is to know what is true.
You should persue truth, because Truth is like a fine woman, and she is sweet in every way! You must fall in love with Truth, take her in your arms, and pull her so close, that the two of you become one!
But how will you know truth from lies, and will you know Truth when you see her? Truth is always the most beautiful, all others pale along side her.
  God is truth, and all that says otherwise is lies. In truth there is life and that more abundantly. To know what is true is to live in victory, but in lies, there is no victory, only hopelessness and despair!    

Friday, September 13, 2013

Tested Truths: Eyes Upon The Horizon

Tested Truths: Eyes Upon The Horizon:     Like great eyes upon the horizon, the sun and the moon have risen together. They shine their light on a ghastly site, a desolate land, a...

Eyes Upon The Horizon

    Like great eyes upon the horizon, the sun and the moon have risen together. They shine their light on a ghastly site, a desolate land, a land bewildered and lost within itself. It is a land that has become bereft of all morals. What is to become of a nation so set on casting off the precepts of God? You work toward your own doom, and you cannot see it! There are legions of angels from both sides encamped all around you, and still you do not see.
  War has been raging for some time in the heavenly realms, and soon, there will be nowhere to hide from it! What is happening within the spiritual realm, will soon boil over full into this dimension, in this, our time! Time is a commodity that you do not have, as the Lord readies himself to call his people home. There is little time, but as yet, the invitation remains open as the guest list is not yet complete.
You are called to be in a wedding, but you are not to be the guest, as you are to be the bride! The wedding of the Lamb of God to those who choose to love him, will be a celebration like none other!
But know this, the invitation will last only until that last decision is made, and that believer's name is added to the book. After this, the book will be sealed, and for you, it will be too late!
  He came humble as a newborn babe the first time, but he returns as the Lion, and all judgement is with him, and he will have his vengeance against those who rejected the Living God, and woe to those people! Look around you, for we are about to reap what we have sown.
  Your leaders speak foolishness into the wind, and their words blow back in their faces mocking them. These cannot save you! They look for wisdom among themselves, but they are too proud to look to God. God himself has said, If my people will humble themselves and pray to me, then I will save them.
But the people do not humble themselves, and so they seal their own fate.
  There is still a little time left, very little! Mighty God waits for that last name, and then He will wait no more!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tested Truths: Incomplete

Tested Truths: Incomplete:   It all makes sense to me now, as I believe that I have finally figured it out? This obsession with eternity, had to have come from my fasc...


  It all makes sense to me now, as I believe that I have finally figured it out? This obsession with eternity, had to have come from my fascination with time?
  If you were to look at your life from an eternal point of view, rather then on the short term day to day fare, then your perspective on life would be much different! Because the things of the spiritual realm are eternal, few pay it any mind at all? They don't think about what they can't see.
  That is the foolishness of man, because they have no knowledge of the eternal! They study the present, know little about the past, and nothing of the future!
  If you understood the power of time, then you have scratched the surface when it comes to understanding who God is? Because God is more powerful then time, and so he is unaffected by it.
God is outside of time! He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end! He cannot be measured by time, He has always been! In many ways, God is time?
  But here's the thing, when thinking in terms of the eternal? The problems of this life will begin to be less and less important. Of course you can't walk around with your head in the clouds all the time. But what you can do, is when you have your quiet time after the work a day tasks are complete. Instead of  dwelling on what it was that went on in the day's business, consider the eternal. Because in the things that are eternal, is where you will find God!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tested Truths: The Choice

Tested Truths: The Choice:   To the world, the situation in the middle east is all about politics, money and oil? This is certainly true on the surface, but what it re...

The Choice

  To the world, the situation in the middle east is all about politics, money and oil? This is certainly true on the surface, but what it really is, is Spiritual Warfare! Occasionally, the spiritual spills over into the reality of this world. This impending war is the latest, and the most obvious. It is only at times like these, does what is going on in the spiritual realm become obvious. What else but evil would have a man slaughter over one hundred thousand of his countrymen? It was evil that flew those planes into the buildings on 9/11, and it was evil that broke into a school and killed over twenty innocents! and it was evil that made a man mow down hundreds of his friends and colleagues, killing fourteen. The murderous rampage that has been going on in Syria is just the latest of so many different types of atrocities, that it is hard to keep track? What about the evil that drew a Philadelphia doctor to take place in the slaughter of those babies in such a callous way, isn't he just the ugliness that we have made for ourselves by openly condoning the abortion debacle? How do you think a Holy God looks on the murder of the unborn? The real problem is that we have become immune to evil because there is so much of it, and only something catastrophic gets our attention.
  So OK you say, the world is becoming an evil place, what can I do about it? You can do little to save the world from itself, but what you can do, is save yourself! How? Simple, all you need do is acknowledge a few things? First, instead of a lengthy explanation, know this. You have two lives, we all do. One, is our physical body which ages by the day and eventually dies. The other comes from our life source, our soul and spirit. When the body dies, what happens to that life after we take our last breath? This is where the knowledge of science stops, as most evolutionists will tell you that life is just some kind of cosmic accident, and that all that there is began and ends here in this life? Life is eternal! Now if you understand this and believe it, then you might well ask, where does this eternal self go? That is the real question! Because if life is meant to be eternal, doesn't that mean that we will be eternally aware? Yes, to be alive is to be aware. So the question then should be, what is it that I will be eternally aware of? This is where free will raises its head again? Because you see, it really is up to you! Will you choose to acknowledge God, and seek after eternal light and wisdom, or will you reject him, and by so doing, sentence yourself to being alone in the darkness eternally?
The choice is yours!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Tested Truths: The horrors of my Life

Tested Truths: The horrors of my Life:   Lately on TV, I have been watching the Waltons, and it took me back to a time that I would rather forget? During this time, I had a lot of...

The horrors of my Life

  Lately on TV, I have been watching the Waltons, and it took me back to a time that I would rather forget? During this time, I had a lot of time for TV, as I was at home coping with yet another run. More specifically, it was during those times directly after another cold turkey attempt. I was physically drained, and spiritually dead! Each attempt at rehabbing at home, was a little different? In this one, I had already beaten the physical pain, but was just coming to grips with the self doubt and hatred which always followed! It is a time of self reflection, and it is a time when you have no where else to go? You are empty and alone at times like these. Even those who love you no longer know how?
  I would read a lot during these times, usually bible accounts. That, and whatever else caught my eye?
But on TV, I gravitated toward shows like The Waltons, and Little House on the Prarie. These shows relaxed me, and were a welcome respite from what had become the horrors of my life! During these times, you feel desparately alone, and it was during a time like this, that I first met Jesus! He healed me by telling me things like, It's alright my son, you are forgiven? As much as I needed to believe it, my first reaction was to reject it? When he said that I am forgiven, I said to him, I am what? How can this be? Do you know what I've done, do you know about the schemes that I have played? And do you know about the lives that I threw away? Me? never me!
  Now you can nix this off as just the luck of the draw, but it is so much more then that! Although it was his will all along, it was only when my will met his, just at that precise moment in time when, Pow Pop Crack and Kaboom, I met God!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tested Truths: Hard Truth

Tested Truths: Hard Truth:   So what did our latest brush with all out war teach us? Do you think that we have averted it for now? We have, but only for awhile. If you...

Hard Truth

  So what did our latest brush with all out war teach us? Do you think that we have averted it for now? We have, but only for awhile. If you don't understand all of this, you are to be forgiven, because not many do! All of this turmoil in the middle east, stems from nothing new, as this fight has been going on for centuries. The reality is that this is not political, nor it has nothing to do with oil! This fight is over religion, and Lord knows how I hate that word! Man's first attempt at religion was done when we all spoke one language, and we agreed as one people to build a tower high enough to reach God? Man has been building them ever since! That is what religion really is, man's understanding on how to reach God, put down as laws and doctrines. The problem is, because all religions come from man, they are flawed! The one thing that all are right about, is the only thing that they all agree on, and that is that there is only one true God! Even the eastern religions with their many gods and goddesses acknowledge one more powerful and above all!
  It is in the name of these religions that millions have died over the centuries, and it is because of this and other  inconsistencies, that many no longer believe. If you were to ask most people in this country what religion they were, they would tell you, Christian. But in reality, they don't really understand what they claim to believe? But this is true in any religion, because what most people really are is secular. Secular is to be a certain religion in name only, without really understanding it! In this respect, Most Christians and Jews are no different then their Muslim brothers and sisters!
  So how then are we to make sense of this? Well, there is only one true God, on that we can all agree. But what is his name? He has many names, and you can call him in a name that you are most comfortable with. For me, it is the name he called himself," I am that I am!"
  OK, so we all believe in one God, the problem is still, how do we get to him? Those who know God, know that he is Holy! To be holy is to be pure. So how can a pure perfect God come into contact with a bunch of scheming sinful beings like us? The answer is that we can't! In reality, we do need that tower, a link between a Holy God and sinful mankind. That is where the Messiah comes in, for only he can save sinful man from the holy wrath of God. Jesus is the only way! Jesus came to this world as the answer, a savior to all, not just to the Christian and the Jew, but to everyone!
  But there in lies the problem? According to their scripture, a devout Muslim must kill the infidel, and the infidel as the radicals see it, is anyone who accepts Jesus. This must be settled in a final war, and that is just the hard truth of it! This is what is really going on in the middle east.