To the world, the situation in the middle east is all about politics, money and oil? This is certainly true on the surface, but what it really is, is Spiritual Warfare! Occasionally, the spiritual spills over into the reality of this world. This impending war is the latest, and the most obvious. It is only at times like these, does what is going on in the spiritual realm become obvious. What else but evil would have a man slaughter over one hundred thousand of his countrymen? It was evil that flew those planes into the buildings on 9/11, and it was evil that broke into a school and killed over twenty innocents! and it was evil that made a man mow down hundreds of his friends and colleagues, killing fourteen. The murderous rampage that has been going on in Syria is just the latest of so many different types of atrocities, that it is hard to keep track? What about the evil that drew a Philadelphia doctor to take place in the slaughter of those babies in such a callous way, isn't he just the ugliness that we have made for ourselves by openly condoning the abortion debacle? How do you think a Holy God looks on the murder of the unborn? The real problem is that we have become immune to evil because there is so much of it, and only something catastrophic gets our attention.
So OK you say, the world is becoming an evil place, what can I do about it? You can do little to save the world from itself, but what you can do, is save yourself! How? Simple, all you need do is acknowledge a few things? First, instead of a lengthy explanation, know this. You have two lives, we all do. One, is our physical body which ages by the day and eventually dies. The other comes from our life source, our soul and spirit. When the body dies, what happens to that life after we take our last breath? This is where the knowledge of science stops, as most evolutionists will tell you that life is just some kind of cosmic accident, and that all that there is began and ends here in this life? Life is eternal! Now if you understand this and believe it, then you might well ask, where does this eternal self go? That is the real question! Because if life is meant to be eternal, doesn't that mean that we will be eternally aware? Yes, to be alive is to be aware. So the question then should be, what is it that I will be eternally aware of? This is where free will raises its head again? Because you see, it really is up to you! Will you choose to acknowledge God, and seek after eternal light and wisdom, or will you reject him, and by so doing, sentence yourself to being alone in the darkness eternally?
The choice is yours!
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