I found myself on the defense tonight? I was attacked by some well meaning Catholics, who quoted to me, the doctrine of men? Relax, I'm not gonna go off bashing catholics? At least not wholly so. I do have a combative side, and of this you can be sure! The problem is, the biggest obstacle that impedes man from God, is religion!
I was baptized a Luthern, Made the equivalent of a first communion, the whole works! My childhood Pastor was a man named Griese, and he was a spitit filled Christian! In my young adult days, I bounced around when it came to the subject of God, even tried my hand at athieism? You see gang, It doesn't matter your religous banner, for there are many of you, but only one Him!
So then, if you've been following my religous evolution, it leads me today, it leaves me where I am today? And that is, if you need a label, label me an evangelical? So you might say to yourself, that's it, surely these guys got it right? But no, they have rules and doctrines of their own! They will tell you, which music is Christian, some will tell you that dancing is no good? Now they don't write this stuff down, as in a hard and fast doctrine? No, this is only opinion, and you know what they say about opinions?
Paul was a great orator, a brillant man, who was the Pharasee of Pharasee's! But because of his absolute understanding of what today is called the Old Testament! Couple this with his little mishap on the road to Damascus! The moment of conversion, his ephany, made him into, in today's parlance, a Messianic Jew!
You leaders of God's church, you must separate what is spiritual thought, from the doctrines of men! It doesn't matter your religion because with it, you tear apart God's people!
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