It is an old tactic, one tested in time by every man, who ever hoped to rule, completely unencumbered! As I read more about how Adolph Hitler came to power, two things occurred, that made it easy for the German people to be led astray. First, the great embarrassment of the loosing of the first World War was still fresh. That, coupled with the treaty of Versailles, which placed restrictions that were most unfair, as seen by the people, who figured that they had suffered enough, and this new treaty would make it near impossible for them to rebuild their once great Nation. Hitler understood that this underlying current of anger could be exploited, but he needed something else, something closer to home? What was needed, before any world conquests could be considered, was a uniting theme within the country. Hitler found this, by dividing the people by their financial situations? Jewish businesses were an easy target! There was an undercurrent of anti sematicism against what the working class saw as an unfair advantage held by these Jewish businesses. This was easily done. as people were suspicious of how cloistered the Jewish community appeared to be? Using Jewish business, was the vehicle he used, to his ultimate goal, of blaming the ills of the country squarely on the Jews themselves!
For any dictator to rise, he must first galvanize the people against a common theme, and there is no easier group on which to cultivate distrust and outright hatred, then the well to do! Jealousy is a powerful tool!
When you look back at the century just passed, it isn't much of a stretch to see the similarities in this century! Because the tools of the powerful, will always be used against the working class, who feel helpless against what goes on, by using empty promises' and soothing words about a better future. Once that is in place, the dictator needs only to claim the spoils!
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