Tuesday, July 21, 2020


  Major league baseball has a chance of instead of having a germ run our lives, to turn Covid around by using it proactively rather that reactionary. I've watched enough of the practice games, that though canned fans isn't a horrible idea,  it just seems to some as if by doing so, they are making the strangeness of this time even stranger. What if we were to ask the players to add yet another protocol, one more set of rules and regulations? These extra concerns would come in the way of living up to the moniker you have lived with for so long. Be the American Pastime, and as patriots, resolve to do this for God and country. The game itself, as in all sports is pure, perfect, equal and just. Understand that I am a life long fan, but in the end just a fan. 

  We have two pressing problems at this time, one a war against an invisible enemy, and secondly, an attack from home grown terrorists who are burning our cities, trashing our history, in short, to destroy America. So what can a game do against all this, and how can any individual agree to help bring this nation back from the brink of disaster? Only as a suggestion, rather than canned crowds, set up those high powered microphones all around the venue. (be careful boys, we will know who farted). In this way, the fans will hear the chatter among the players, be able to hear such things as Cut one, or cut two, and Home! The broadcasters would explain the finer points as well as the basics of the game as the plays play out. As far as the natural cussing that goes on, there is approximately ten seconds between when something happens and it appears on your screen, so they could edit most out. And as for the F bombs, have each player put one thousand dollars into a cuss jar every time he slips, and at the end of the season, donate that jar to the charity of their choice. In short gentlemen, America desperately needs some good clean fun to take us away from the ugliness going on outside the game. But than the last piece of the puzzle, the game and the surface it is played on are pure, and being pure, they are sacred. There is no place on the field or during the game for cheap political stunts. The game you play that supports your family is pure, the players should agree not to sully our great game with the filth of partisan  politics. The league has already worked with Nike and by that, China, but that is water under the bridge. Now is time to Play Ball!  If the league does these things and prides itself in Patriotism, I guarantee that your gates will triple in 2021. 

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