Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Social Christianity

  If I were to tell you that Socialism has it's own religion, would you believe me? Turns out they do, and its' called, Social Christianity. Key word, Social. So then, socialism, what is it? On it's surface, it looks very appealing. It's appeal comes from the fact that if Heaven was to have a government, Socialism would best define it. With socialism, the theory is, that everyone is equal. Everyone that is, except for the ruling class. If our government were today, socialist, the only wildly rich people would be the elitists, those who are high up in government, hollywood actors. People like that would remain filthy rich, but as for the rest of us, No, not so much. In heaven of course, everyone truly is equal, everyone that is except for the Lord, as he would provide all our needs and then some, and they would all come from a loving God, and not from a government hell bent on self perpetuating. With the heaven on earth attempt called socialism, men are in control, and their power is great. In heaven, it isn't men in control, but God, huge difference! Sooner, rather than later, all that money and power goes to your head, and it is absolutely true that with people, absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

  Believe it or not, I came upon the existence of this little cult quite by accident. I was thinking of doing a piece about peace, and when looking up the Serenity Prayer, I noticed the author's name was Reinhold Niebuhr. Another German I thought, and went about looking him up. His heritage may be German, but he was born in Missouri, USA in 1892. As an acknowledged theologian, he helped to put in place child labor laws.  He also was a faithful follower of Karl Marx, and if you don't know who Karl Marx is, he was one of the founders of Communism, and like any good tyrant, was responsible for millions of deaths. As a follower of Marx, it isn't hard to understand his left leanings and ideology, and why when mixing his politics with his religion, that he would come upon the idea for Social Christianity. Social Christian teaching is still very much alive. In fact, for the twenty years of Barack Obama's Christian walk, he sat under the tutelage of the heavily racist, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Social Christianity is based on a kind of "it takes a village" mentality, in that all power comes from a select group. In Mr. Wright's point of view, that group was black. Before him, Adolf Hitler's use of this false doctrine was to limit his group to what he called, "those of aryan blood. The key to this cult, as with all the others, is its demand that all within the group be like minded to the point of being in lockstep. Like goose stepping little soldiers? There can be no thought or opinions outside of the group directive, free thinkers need not apply.  But speaking from a purely Christian perspective, let me tell you why these teachings are so wrong. They believe that salvation can be achieved only in a group setting, but we know from Jesus's teaching on the subject, that salvation,  that come to Jesus moment, is uniquely personal, and though we often praise God in a group setting, our salvation is personal. Secondly, their gospel tells us that before Christ's return, the second coming won't happen until the church cures all the social ills of the world? If the church, (people), could solve the social ills of life, then Jesus died for no reason.  

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