So I figured to get at least one more in, because I expect that I will be quite busy doing other things soon? So, what to write? I thought perhaps something geopolitical, something that would tie the bible in with our current political situation, without tying you down with a lot of bible passages that you wouldn't understand? A quick point of interest for those of you who know little about Christianity? There are two trends of thought when it comes to the end times. One being, that the believer would be raptured, (brought up into the sky with Jesus at his second coming) Before the tribulations, and the other point of view is that the rapture will occur after, or during the tribulation, so that the believer too must go through it? I've always been partial to the former, but I guess we'll have to wait and see? But also, the tribulation, and the time of troubles has already begun? Just look around you. The world is on fire, and the United States is more divided now then in any time in our history!
But back to the politics of this age. All of the bible scholars I have read, teach that in order for the anti christ to take power, there must first be a united government. A one world government, a new world order for the new age. Obviously, the biggest jewel in this new government would be the United States! So, what's the point of all this? The political theatre that you see being played out on the world stage, correlates directly with what the bible teaches. But how do you knock the dust of the old book, and make modern day assumptions? If this one world government is to come to be, how would the politicians lead us to accept this universal mentality? Socialism my friends, socialism is the chosen vehicle that is to deliver us all to this bright new promise?
Supposedly, most of you Millennials don't know anything about socialism, and so they tell us that you are too dumb to fear it? Well, it isn't that hard to find out. You would not even have to go back more then a century to see how well socialism has worked in the past. Nazi Germany started as a Socialist Republic, The USSR, and even more current, you have China and North Korea! Now these last two are Communist, but there is really little difference between the two, as neither work out very well for the middle class and the working man! Incredibly, after all this failure, there are still those who believe that they can make it work, and that this time it will be different? But it never hurts the ones selling this crap, because they are the elitists, too rich to be affected. Hollywood is full of this type! Don't believe them, and when you get in that voting booth, vote every socialist leaning fool out of office! Your country needs you!
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