Wednesday, November 6, 2013


  Sometimes the truth will hit you like a silver bullet between the eyes! The truth is an equal opportunity offender, it doesn't care who you are, nor does it care what side of the political fence you are on. It is said about truth that it takes no prisoners, and this is certainly true! For no matter the subject, no matter how complex, when the truth is discovered, all opinions, contrary or not, cease to matter. Only fools and liars will continue to argue once the truth has been discovered. Hard truths are the hardest to accept. These are the ones that are contrary to a strongly held personal belief!
  God is Truth, the Bible is truth, life and death is truth, and these are all things that are absolute! Once the truth has been found, the opposite is untruth, and it is now obvious and exposed next to truth! But now that there are only two ways to go, and there are no options other then the two, you are forced to make a decision? You will either except the truth, or you won't? That is what truth is so good at, it forces a decision! By seeking truth, you simplify the matter at hand, by whittling away all that doesn't matter, until there is one obvious choice. White or black, yes or no, one answer true, and the other false, and it is your decision to make. Every major decision that you will make, whether it is about a complex physics equation, or just everyday life, once the truth has been found, then you must decide, but the decision will not be complex.
  It is the same with God, and the discussion of whether he exists or not? Obviously, this is a very complex subject, but if you simplify the process, then you will get to the essence of the matter, because the truth is hidden in simple places. To simplify the subject of God, we must start at the beginning. Lets look first at what evolution would have you believe? Two stars, two solar systems, two particles of energy, two whatever, collided, exploded, and this big bang is how life started? Now if you ask where these two participants of this mega-explosion came from, if you press them hard enough, they will tell you that it is a mystery? OK, turnabout is fair play, Where did God come from they ask, and it infuriates them that we have an answer! The answer of course is that God has always existed, for him, there is no beginning, nor will there be an end! The great news is that even though we have a beginning, we too can have no end! Here's a hard truth. In order to join with God in the infinite, you must be born again. It is a simple truth when you think of it. You are born into your family, and it is no different with the family of God, you must be born of the Spirit! All that you must do to receive eternal life is to decide to accept by your free will, that God is real, and that it is by the blood of Jesus Christ that you claim your birthright!

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