Saturday, December 21, 2024


   Introspection is to look within, to see yourself beyond the mirror. We see the bodies of ourselves when we look for vanity in the mirror. But you are so much more than the face you see in a mirror. The actual you is far deeper than the vanity you primp in a mirror. The real you glistens from all light like a diamond in the sun. White hot at your core, glistening with colors of every shade at the edges of the Spirit that lives within you. Scripture tells us that we were made in the image of God, do you understand what that means? The real us, both the us who ignore our heavenly Father, and, those of us who have already found ourselves in Him, everyone. Before you search for the wisdom of the Most High, you must first know yourself, defects flaws failings and all. You must first be honest with yourself before you are able to think to search the mysteries of the Lord Jesus, our Father, amen. Here's a helpful hint for a physical awakening. Instead of playing with you face while averting your eyes. Look beyond your appearance and forget your face. Instead, focus your gaze on your eyes, for the eyes are the window to the soul. To find the actual you at your essence, you should know, that there are no mirrors for the mind, and that the mind is a mirror. The holy Scriptures tell us that we were made in His image. Do you understand what that means? We've been set apart, a royal family. And here's a supernatural fact, we, like Him, are eternal creatures, or put another way, we are the space aliens. A wellspring of knowledge is available to us and we may drink of it freely. Our souls, the spirit of us shines brightly as does He.  We glow at our core, but He is white hot and powerful at his center, and that blindingly so. Further out from the white hot light, the image shimmers in many colors and different shades, He is dazzling to behold. 

  That may have seemed a long weigh to look at it, but the simple lesson is true. You must first be willing to meet you before you can look and find Jesus. Look beyond your physical self, and be willing to show your real self. The blemishes and flaws, the imperfections. We were made in His image, and so the Holy Spirit being Life, lives within each of us. The smart ones look to know Him, but the maddening noisy throngs push on by. Let them go, for they are the fools. True wisdom is very rare, stupidity though reigns supreme in the limitations of this life. 

  Introspection? Know yourself honestly first, and then seek Jesus. Christmas time is upon us again, but our Christmas celebration is actually a birthday party for the King. He, this ancient rabbi named Jesus, worship Him, for Jesus is the King of it all. 

  Love your family, hug your kids, call your dad, make this time special. Speaking of, this year, both Christmas and Chanukah are on December 25, and Chanukah ends on New Years Day. Something cosmic about that point..    


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