Thursday, September 19, 2024

Another Word

   Just another word about free speech. Understand that the key word in the phrase is free. Though truth is always superior to lies, with free speech you are free to speak of lies, rather than tell the truth. You are free to tell lies and spout nonsense if you choose. In short, in America, having free speech means that you not only have the right to be right, but you also have the right to be wrong. Today, our so called cultural elites don't seem to understand that. Or, the smarter ones among them do understand it, and thats why they fear it.  

 America fought the Nazis' in Europe during the war in Europe and on the other side of the globe against the Empire of Japan. But with our military so spread out across the the world, facist type thinkers were emboldened by what they saw as weakness, and for a time in the nineteen forties, the so called American nazi party marched openly in the streets and also held huge rallies, the most famous was held at Madison Square Garden in New York city. With such openly arrogant evil, Americans had to choose to allow these tyrant loving fools to be so openly against God and country. Gritting their teeth with anger no doubt, because these freedom loving patriots understood that under the laws of our country, and because of free speech, they had to suffer these evil fools and allow them to spew hatred and division. They, these Hitler puppets, as are all hostile forms of government, was big on the use of propaganda. The first goal of propaganda is to silence the free speech of those who refuse to toe the party line with the use of censorship. Sadly censorship is back in use, and if you know that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it, so far there seems to be little opposition to the political fact that our government has jailed people who dared disagree with the current administrations apparent disregard for free speech. Are they so naive as to think that if when in power the other side might well choose to do to them what they did to others? Censorship is the first giant step toward tyranny. They speak of losing our democracy, but in reality we are a Constitutional Republic. The main difference being because simply put, democracy means majority rules. If that were true the large cities would control the government, without needing the agreement and consent to smaller cities and towns. 

  This grand experiment of this unique form of freedom has been admired since its inception and admired by the rest of the freedom loving world. But today the values that made this country the envy of the world seem to no longer be important. They are! now more than ever.


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