Thursday, September 19, 2024
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Free Thinking
Free thinking has no limits, needs no parameters, knows no boundaries or rules, except those of natural law. Earthly thinkers are limited to the realities of this life on this earth. They can dream about the future while remembering the past, but unlike their eternal counter-selves, they are unable to know more than what can be known, from this, our time. No matter how grand their dreams for the future might be, the limitations of time in this reality limits their opportunities. These well intentioned thinkers have so much to consider in such a short time. Because their vision is so cluttered and obscure, they do not know or believe that there are other realities all around them. They see the spiritual realm as fictional, they cannot see it, therefore it must not exist? An extremely limited point of view.
To be able to see beyond the limits of space ant time, to see and understand that there are many dimensions all around us with only our earth glasses on, is impossible. To see from beyond any and all limitations is only when we view things with the glasses from God. If you desire to be eternal, and be able to spend it unlimited by the boundaries of space and time, you must understand that you can only see that from the eternal realm, God's realm. This lifetime you now live, when seen and compared to a life eternal, is but a vapor, a puff of smoke, a dissipating nothingness compared to life eternal. Pure and perfect logic go hand and hand with free thought, and of course truth, for Truth, is the third and most important leg of this most stable platform.
Eternal life vs. this life is really no contest at all. This life with all of the trappings of the world. Wealth, fine foods and the best of everything, pales in comparison to the riches of an eternal life. Let me put it in terms that are easily understood. Given the choice between one hundred tax free dollars or one million tax free dollars, which would you choose? God controls trillions of billions of all that is in eternity, God is eternity.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
The Lion Inside of You
There is a lion inside each of us. My lion hates liars! My lion roars and flashes his teeth at those who live to lie. Their whole being is a slander, they communicate with a wink and a nod. Do they not understand that a little light illuminates the room? As it is, people fear the light, they feel safer in the shadows, in the light all their flaws are seen, their actual selves are exposed, they are as if they stand naked for all to see, and so they choose to linger in the shadows. But you have been made in His image, created as intelligent beings, with lives of purpose and understanding, not of the mindless paths that we claim as our own.
America, you can no longer enjoy the luxury of apathy. We have hit the end of the road partner, there is nothing ahead except the darkness, we must turn one way or the other. They speak openly now of killing children. Openly as if it were only a subject of politics, they speak with a callous disregard for the yet to be born, by far the most fragile of children. Infants, babies yet to take a first breath of life. Not long ago, on an ocean beach near me, there was a great drama had unfolded. followed closely by the local news and even picked up nationally for a day. A mother whale had beached herself and she was pregnant and dying. But the unborn calf was still alive and so a great effort was made to save the baby. They worked into the night, but the baby whale died. By now a huge crowd had gathered to watch this real life drama unfold. When the calf died, many in the crowd cried, some wailing bitterly.
In reality, many of these same people so upset with the death of an animal, spoke of unborn children with a callousness and an apparent lack of concern when it came to human life. A child eliminated from their chance for life because it was inconvenient for one reason or another. What's even more amazing is that this issue will be the single issue reason that will decide their vote. In truth at it's core, it really isn't a difficult choice, because at its core, it is either a choice for death or a choice for life.
Understand that these choices ahead of us far exceed politics. They are on a higher scale, for it is a spiritual decision which is also at stake. What kind of nation do we choose to be, You see, life and death is a stark difference and easy to distinguish. But understand this, there is a spiritual decision that will also be made. God is many things, and one of them is Life. If we as a nation choose death over life, that will be the final nail in our coffin. By choosing life you choose God, choose death, and choose evil. make no mistake America, you will reap what you sow.
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