People say and are correct in saying that we are a country divided. The latest bulletin from idiot central is that we're weird. In a general way we are a divided people, but not yet fractured. Like everything in this life there are two sides to this coin also. No matter the argument, no matter the side you choose, in the end there are only two sides. Right or wrong, up or down, to or fro. The basis of all facts are two sided at their heart. The subject at hand is either true or it is a lie, alive or dead. What draws people to embrace any falsehood is the allure of the lie being put forward. Lies will promise you the world but leave you with nothing. This is because doing things our own way strikes a nerve that we have each carried with us from the beginning. It tickles our pride.
Pride, it is the basis of all sin, and is at the core of all that is wrong in life. The good news in the polls they insist on telling us, is that we are divided only in half. Good news? Two choices are easier to choose from, where as had the left succeeded in fracturing us into small manageable groups, forcing us as it were, into believing that we are isolated and alone but for the ever growing number of cliques, small groups rather than one people with only two choices. The old adage from history tells us that the easiest way to defeat a foe is by dividing and conquering them. A people isolated is much more apt to allow itself to be easily led. Our current government's leaders preach falsely to us from the pulpit of propaganda. They are committed to their cause, because they know full well the only way to forward their agenda, is by dividing and conquering. It is pride that drives people from wanting to know and accept the Lordship of the living God. Our arrogance has told us from the very first sin that we have no need of God as each of us is our own god. This of course is not new as it was the original lie told to Eve in the garden of life. There is nothing new under the sun. And so the words of God were spoken to a generation of people as far back as six hundred years before the first century, and still ring clearly true in this, the twenty first century. From the holy scriptures, we read of a prophet speaking the words of God to that generation who had left the hearing of God's words, choosing instead to listen to the false prophets who spoke of the wisdom of the world, rather than the wisdom of God. But through a prophet of the most high, God has him say to the people the following; Son of man, prophecy against the prophets of Israel who prophecy from their own heart. Hear the word of God! Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! Translation: If you put your trust into the false ideology of man, and of their limited wisdom and reject the perfect existence and wisdom of Almighty God, you are a fool, and your wisdom will die with you. Remember, the eternally dead don't think. Never have, never will.
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