Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Financial woes had become yet another beast to fight. Alone, I spend much of my time alone. It is a hard thing to be alone, but it will also make your perspective more precise, more focused.
From the Lord's perspective, his view is much different from ours. His vantage point is from a place much higher. Remember, He is beyond space and time, He views all situations from a position much higher than our own. He sees it all and he knows all. But here's the best part, He is willing to share it all. God's children may be a motley looking crew, but from among them there are great scholars. Much like here, there will be teachers who will guide you and aid you on your way through a true forever land. Being eternal is not something that you will understand immediately, for in the beginning you might still find yourself looking for clocks. In a short time you will learn that there are no clocks, for there will be no need of them, time will become irrelevant. When you stop learning you are dead.
Eternal life, how many of you have convinced yourselves that this is all there is, and that there is no life eternal? In a nut shell that's the humanist point of view, that we are our own gods. The funny thing is that their old adage which says, Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die is true. For them there is no life, for them, the here and now is all there is, eternity they say, is foolishness? For them, this here and now is all there is, for tomorrow they will become dead, and what there was of them will become, nothing forever. For when their time is up, its over! Death is the absence of life, death is eternal darkness, alone in an isolation that no living thing need think about.
The alternative;
Besides the thought of endless knowledge, of having all eternity to answer all your questions, there is a beauty beyond describing that is well lit and completely visible. Not only is it well lit, the source of this light coming from He himself who you are now with. Eternal life is fine, but where will you spend forever and a day if not in a place of solid foundation. To be eternal you must have a place to be eternal in. Heaven is that place. The place of no tears fame, a place of everlasting Peace. Heaven, this will be your home, a place more grander than any of us can imagine. But rather than me struggle at the keyboard trying to explain it, let me give you a glimpse of what our eternal home will be like, let the Word itself speak to you through scripture. The first two verses of Revelation chapter 22. "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of the street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." America, our birthday has come round again. If our nation is to be healed, we must return to our creator God, and we must return to Him only with the Lamb Jesus. Eternity is always that, but for our nation to be healed and saved from the onslaught of evil, we, America, must return to the God of our fathers. Happy Birthday America, long may you live.
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