Along with the alarm over our current flu?/virus season, comes some good news, a silver lining if you will. Like it or not, families are being forced to come together, and spend all of our time together. What a blessing! Nows a break from the everyday pressures of our day to day grinds. Use this time to grow closer and rid old grudges, stay close to each other and renew your love for each other.
All forms of outside entertainment is gone. The kids are home from school, there are no sports practice or dance recitals to go to, and for many parents, they'll be able to work from home. It will take some adjustment, but again, it looks like we'll be stuck with each other for a while, so why not make the best of it. We have been through such medical crises' before, so don't worry as this too shall pass. Parents and older children will be schooling each other, and if we keep the computer games to a minimum, we might even consider talking to each other, Gasp! Get old school, play board games together, and here's a good suggestion. Even if your family is atheist, get out a copy of the bible, and read the book of John together. It is a short easy read, the only thing you must keep in mind is that as John gives his accounting of the beginning as told in Genesis, Jesus is the Word. Other than that it is pretty self explanatory and has been labeled sometimes as Christianity 101. I pray that if you do this, you just might want to know more about the most influential man in all of history. But even if you remain steadfast in rejecting the existence of God, I promise it will bring about some interesting questions and debate. Whether you come away wanting to know more about the living God of us all or not, You will find some interesting things about yourself and your family, and I promise you it will do you no harm.
Factoid: The word pandemic comes from mating of the word Pan, a mythical god of fields, forests, flocks and shepherds, this god had a goats legs and feet, and the word epidemic, or pandemic, which simply means, over a large area. (taken from Websters' dictionary) Finally, do not take this disease lightly. Wash your hands often, stay clear of large crowds, and follow the advice given you by the medical doctors and experts. Sharpen your common sense reactions.
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