NFF News
For those of you who are not familiar with this news outlet, the acronym is, News From The Front. The front of what you might ask? It is news from the front lines of the spiritual warfare that is raging world wide. We watch the news, a killing there, a killing here, all across the globe, people are scratching their heads and asking why. Why indeed? The bible predicted, or Prophecized, both kind of the same word. Spell check didn't know it. No surprise here, as the guy, or gal, (for you PCers), has no understanding of the word, because if he did, I'd have the corrected spelling. Artificial intelligence is well named, because it isn't from a living entity, and so, in the matter of my little buddy Spell, it didn't know because his designer didn't know.
Well, I certainly went off on a tangent with that one. Anyway, back to the reason I came here in the first place. Today is what? May the 3rd? Whatever it is, what would you say was the most important story of today? go ahead, I'll wait.. OK, times up! The military community has just put out an adviso: That no Chinese phones could be used on the premises. Certainly not in the Pentagon, nor the CIA, or the FBI.. I hear Mick Jagger singing somewhere. sorry. But the reasoning is, that these phones were programmed to remain open all the time. So what, you say? Suppose you are the world's greatest super spy, like James Bond, or the kid that played in that film where he kills this black dude. (wrong movie) I can't think of his name now, but he pals around with that other idiot, from Boston I believe? Anyway, your a very important person, and your County's safety depends on you. And you are sitting in an office at one of the aforementioned Departments, and you phone, and worse, your bosses phone is sitting quietly on the desk you both are sitting at. No big deal? Psst.. You know whose listening? The Chinese. It happens in our largest Corporations too. And all this time we thought they had the greatest hackers in the world, but all they were really doing was listening. How about it, all you huge conglomerate news agencies, Do you think you can stop your obsession with a duly elected President, and do your real job. Report on these things. Stormy and her idiot lawyer? Do your job, inform the public, because you know what they say about opinions? Opinions are like A-holes, everybody has one.
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