Comfort and Joy
It has come to the point, where all the pieces seem to be in place. A place of privacy and quiet. A place when a man has the time to think clearly. These times are rare, as the hustle and bustle of life, threatens to turn your peaceful state into one of chaos and strife.
But anyway, what I'm trying to say, is that for me, I am having, or will have had, one of those precious moments of perfect peace. For how long it will last, only the Lord knows, because that moment of coitous which occurs at the time of connection is a very fragile thing, and so can be lost in an instant. In fact, even though it is early Saturday morning, I thought I heard the sound of slamming doors not too far away.
Anyway, make this my Christmas letter to you all. Our country, and it's people are gathering strength each day, pushing hard now, with new volunteers added each day, are rising up against the oppression that reared it's ugly head in the prior eight years.
But this is not the time to speak of such things, as now is the time for celebration. For unto us a child was born, unto us a King is given. A manGod, a King, a leader, the hope and the answers so that all may become clear.
Christianity is a label, a way of referral, a name. But in a real sense, Jesus is the ant-religion, because religion is the doctrines of men. The Way the Truth and the Life comes from Jesus alone. Religion is imperfect as it comes from someone else's interpretation and because men are imperfect, and often times their well intentioned teachings are wrong. In two days we celebrate the coming of Christ. He came as a savior to all of mankind, a way to the Living God, the only way, the living connection from sinful man to a pure perfect God. But he did not come with fanfare and honor, not with legions of mighty warrior angels, but rather, humble, and hardly noticed. Born in a manger in a stable filled with animals who do what animals do.
As we give each other presents, remember that His presence is not just an ancient story, but an actual man who once walked among us, and still does today. Who better to be the link between man and God than someone who knows exactly how hard this life is? But for his reasons, something feels different this Christmas, as even the spiritually dead sense the change, that there is something different. A presence that is palpable, something foreign to them, and it scares them a bit, making them feel ill at ease.
What these lost souls don't realize is that Jesus being wholely man and wholely God makes perfect sense. because he, and only he, can link sinful men and women to the pure perfection of God. You cannot learn the truth of what I just told you by following the rules and regulations to be followed as the way to the Lord, religion alone cannot get you there, but you can learn. You start by reading His book. And although the Bible has many writers over thousands of years in history, it has but one author, the Lord God Almighty. If you truly want to find the answers to the difficult questions of life, you need read only one book. He already knows that most of you will chose to not read his book, and that to you it is foolish. But if you choose to seek him with all your heart, he will reveal himself to you more each day. Because Jesus was and still is God's gift to man. With him are the answers, and through him is the way to perfect Love.
Merry Christmas all, and look to the coming year with anticipation and hope. For God himself is moving, and there is no reason to fear. The way things have been moving lately, the future is finally beginning to look bright.
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